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Published September 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portsmouth, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

APPLICABILITY: By submitting a quote to the Authority, the firm or individual doing so (hereinafter, "the Quoter") is automatically agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions listed herein, including those terms and conditions within the HUD document, Table 5.1, Mandatory Contract Clauses for Small Purchases Other than Construction, which is attached hereto. 3.0 THE AUTHORITY RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The Authority reserves the right to: 3.1 Reject any or all quotes, to waive any informalities in the QSP process, or to terminate the QSP process at any time, if deemed by the Authority to be in the best interest of the Authority; 3.2 Terminate a contract awarded pursuant to this QSP at any time for its convenience upon delivery of a 10-day written notice to the apparent or successful Quoter; 3.3 Determine the days, hours and locations that the successful Quoter shall provide the items or services called for in this QSP; 3.4 Reject and not consider any quote that does not, in the opinion of the CO, meet the requirements of this QSP, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete quotes offering alternate (not including "or equal" items) or non-requested items or services. QUOTER'S RESPONSIBILITY: Each Quoter must carefully review and comply with all instructions provided herein, provided within any named attachments. 5.0 DEADLINE: Each Quoter shall submit his/her proposal, prior to the posted deadline, as provided for herein. Whereas this is an informal solicitation process, the Authority reserves the right to extend the posted deadline at any time prior to the deadline, if, in the opinion of the CO, it is in the best interests of the Authority to do so. 6.0 HOLD PRICES/NON-ESCALATION: By submitting a quote, and whereas the quote sum submitted is a firm-fixed quote, each Quoter thereby agrees to "hold" or not increase the proposed quote prices during the term of the work. 7.0 PURCHASE ORDER (PO): The Authority will procure the applicable goods or services by issuance of a PO (which shall have the same meaning as a "contract"). PO's will be issued on an as-needed basis only. By submitting a quote, the successful Quoter thereby agrees to confirm receipt of the PO in the manner directed by the Authority. 7.1 Award Criteria: If an award is completed pursuant to this QSP, and unless otherwise instructed in writing by the CO, award shall be made to the responsive and responsible Quoter that submits the best value meeting the requirements of the solicitation including. 7.1.1 Documentation of your experience to include an Organizational Chart, Resumes of Key Staff, listing of similar contracts with contact information. Firm must have at least five (5) years' experience providing HVAC Preventative Maintenance services for multi-family housing units; 7.1.2 Licenses and/or certifications of firm and staff proposed to conduct the Preventative Maintenance services for the Authority; 7.1.3 Proposed work plan or schedule for conducting Preventative Maintenance Services; 7.1.4 Price. 8.0 INVALID OR ALTERNATE QUOTES: Failure to complete and submit all required information, or to add any additional requirements not acceptable to the Authority, may invalidate the quote submitted. Furthermore, the Authority shall reserve the right to reject, without consideration, alternate quotes, meaning those that do not meet the requirements of this QSP. QUOTE COSTS: There shall be no obligation for the Authority to compensate any Quoter or prospective Quoter for any costs that he/she may incur in responding to this QSP. 10.0 SHIPPING COSTS: Each quoted sum submitted shall include completion of the specified services at the Authority site or location, as specified within this QSP or on the PO issued. 11.0 ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL: The Authority shall retain the right to demand and receive a change in personnel assigned by the successful Quote to provide services to the Authority if the Authority believes that such change is in the best interest of the Authority and the completion of the work or provision of the items. 12.0 UNAUTHORIZED SUB-CONTRACTING PROHIBITED: The successful Quote shall not assign any right, nor delegate any duty for the work proposed pursuant to this QSP (including, but not limited to, selling or transferring the ensuing PO or contract) without the prior written consent of the CO. Any purported assignment of interest or delegation of duty, without the prior written consent of the CO shall be void and may result in the cancellation of the PO or the contract with the Authority. 13.0 LICENSING AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Prior to award (but not as a part of the quote submission) the successful Quote will be required to provide: 13.1 An original certificate evidencing the Quote current industrial (worker's compensation) insurance carrier and coverage amount. 13.2 An original certificate evidencing General Liability coverage, naming the Authority as an additional insured, together with the appropriate endorsement to said policy reflecting the addition of the Authority as an additional insured under said policy (minimum of $1,000,000 each occurrence, general aggregate minimum limit of $1,000,000, together with damage to premises and fire damage of $50,000 and medical expenses any one person of $5,000), with a deductible of not greater than $1,000. 13.3 An original certificate showing the Quoter automobile insurance coverage in a combined single limit of $250,000. For every vehicle utilized during the term of this program, when not owned by the entity, each vehicle must have evidence of automobile insurance coverage with limits of no less than $50,000/$100,000 and medical pay of $5,000. 13.4 A copy of the Quoter's licenses allowing that entity to provide such services within the jurisdiction of Portsmouth, Virginia.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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September 15, 2022

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606 Phoebus St, Portsmouth, VA

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