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Published September 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a swimming pool in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a swimming pool.

The City of Jeffersontown is accepting sealed proposals for purchasing and installing new PVC pool liner system. The City of Jeffersontown reserves the right to reject any and all bids. SUMMARY A. It is the intent of this specification to describe the installation of a complete reinforced PVC membrane lining system specifically designed and formulated for use in swimming pools. The system shall consist of two layers of flexible PVC totally encapsulating a polyester inner reinforcement in combination with required accessory items to complete the installation. The sections of material shall be fuse bonded together at the site to form a watertight continuous membrane lining. The system shall be installed in accordance with the conf, including all necessary equipment within this specification. Individual rolls of reinforced PVC membrane shall be custom fitted and welded together at the job site using hot air welding techniques. Upon completion, the system shall provide a waterproof, yet flexible membrane, complete with all necessary fittings, attachments, flange transitions and markings. B. The performance characteristics and installation qualifications as established herein reflect the minimum requirements for any membrane system to be utilized on this project. Systems not meeting the minimum requirements established for this project will not be considered. C. This specification includes, but is not limited to, the following components: D. Flexible PVC membrane that is light blue in color near shallow end of pool transitioning to dark blue near the deep end. E. Slip-resistant reinforced PVC membrane F. Separator fleece G. PVC steel edging & sheets H. Polymer and/or Stainless-Steel edging & sheets I. Sanitizing agents J. Transition flanges K. Edge sealants L. Adhesives M. This Specification describes Natatec(R) PVC Membrane Lining System or Renolit AlkorPlan 2000. Should the requirements of this specification contradict any other section of the project specifications, this section shall govern The City of Jeffersontown is seeking contractors to purchase the necessary equipment to complete the scope of this RFP. The following specifications outline each scope of work and items to be supplied for this project. Bidders should make sure to include in their list of subs, along with any additional contractors needed to complete the project. Awarded bidder will be responsible for securing all necessary permits to build the space if necessary. City of Jeffersontown is requesting that the project shall be complete by May 1, 2023 to not interfere with the current facility schedule but understand that the current supply and availability of materials may require the awarded contractor and City of Jeffersontown to discuss the installation schedule and timing of work. If not completed by May 1, 2023, there will be a penalty of $5,000.00 per day.


Swimming Pools


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Site Work

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September 28, 2022

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10235 Timberwood Cir, Louisville, KY

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