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Published December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Natchez, Mississippi. Conceptual plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of December 1, 2022, project is cancelled. Project is no longer needed.* The funding for the Artificial Turf Installation Project, Ballfield #1 and Ballfield #2 at Duncan Park comes from the City of Natchez 2021 General Obligation Bond Issue for Parks & Recreation; no state and/or federal funds will be used to fund this project. Bid Bond: A certified check or bid bond for five (5%) percent of the total bid, payable to the City of Natchez, Mississippi, must accompany each proposal. Any bid accompanied by letters qualifying in any manner, the condition under which the bids are tendered, will be considered an irregular bid and such bids will not be considered in making the award. 100% Performance and Payment Bond will be required. Certificate of Responsibility Number: Each contractor submitting a bid in excess of $50,000.00 must show on the face of the envelope containing the bid, his Certificate of Responsibility number, as required by Chapter 505, General Laws of the State of Mississippi of 1985. If the bid does not exceed $50,000.00, a notation so stating must appear on the face of the envelope. Bids for this work will be accepted only under the name of the Bidder to whom the Contract Documents and Addenda, if any, have been issued by the City of Natchez. Bids received by bidders to whom the Contract Documents were not issued by the City will be returned unopened. State law requires a non-resident bidder to attach/include a copy of his resident states current law pertaining to such states treatment of non-resident contractors with their bid. Any bid submitted by a non-resident contractor which does not include the non-resident contractors current state law shall be rejected and not considered for award. Bids may be withheld by the Owner for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the opening of the bids for the purpose of bid review and investigation of the bidder's qualifications, prior to award of the contract. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities, to negotiate with the lowest and best bidder to reduce the bid price to come within the funds allocated for the work, to reduce the job in order to stay within available funding or as desirable in the discretion of the Natchez Mayor and Board of Alderman, and to accept bids by classes and/or groups, if applicable, all as set forth and in accordance with applicable The award, if made, will be made to the lowest and best bidder. The City reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any and all bids. Scope of Work will begin at existing elevation & remove all unwanted material and haul off site. City of Natchez will provide area for material dumping. For Field #1, unwanted material/dirt is to be placed to the left of the outfield fencing. For Field #2, unwanted material/dirt is to be placed to the left of the outfield fencing near the outfield, Excavate excess dirt and debris; see above for place(s) in disposal area provided by the City of Natchez, Laser grade infields for shedding of water, Install 2"x 4"x 16' treated nailer boards around perimeter of each field which will be permanently attached around the entire system to receive artificial turf Install sub-base concrete or 4" inches of Limestone to grade. Level and compact stone or pour concrete to insure level grade with no standing water and/or birdbaths. If using Limestone, specify, Install shock pad & drainage blanket, Supply & install sports turf material and professional turf adhesives, Shipping and handling of turf, adhesives & other needed materials shall be included in pricing of total project, Lay turf, all cuts, seaming & gluing, attach to perimeter nailer boards (ALL SEAMS GLUED), Supply and install all permanent game markings as approved by City of Natchez. Distances for varying portable, mounds shall be marked (baseball & softball), The contractor will mark Field #1 mound at forty-six (46') feet and Field #2 at fifty (50') feet, Supply & install infill system rubber and/or sand - 1.5 lbs. per square feet, Install base anchors at approved locations, The contractor will install base anchors for Field #1 at sixty (60') feet and for Field #2 at seventy (70'), Back drag all areas of access and rutted areas on playing fields, Contractor is to re-install any fencing that may be removed, for ease of access to complete turf project. Technical questions regarding the installation of the artificial turf should be directed to Mr. Jeff Southall via email at jeffsouthall28@gmail.com or by calling 225-223-4820. For all technical questions via email, copy Ms. Sanora Cole at scole@natchez.ms.us .

Project Abandoned

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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November 10, 2022

December 2, 2022


Duncan Park Rd, Natchez, MS

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