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Published September 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Kearneysville, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Sep 19, 2022 Contract Award Number: 140G0122P0363 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: RM48HYC4NGA8 Contractor Awarded Name: TRAIN 2 GO TRUCKING LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Concord, NC 28025-9034 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $44000 USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center providing a service to replace two boilers. 100% Total Small Business Set-aside Section E-8 page 26 for the Evaluation Factors Reference attachment B08 Instructions To Offerors for Site Visit Date and Time. Delivery: 60 Days After Award The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment and supervision necessary for the replacement of two boilers located at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center in accordance with the Statement of Work (SOW) herein. Product/Service Code: N045 Product/Service Description: INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT- PLUMBING, HEATING, AND WASTE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT For question on this solicitation contact Dayna Parkin at dparkin@usgs.gov. GENERAL INFORMATION A. The Eastern Ecological Science Center located at 11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, West Virginia has a requirement for a replacement of (2) high efficiency boilers due to a lack of parts for repairs. B. Background C. Scope: Replacement of boilers in Admin building The contractor is to furnish all equipment, labor and supplies to install the boilers and make all connections (electric, vent, drain, gas and any other items associated with the boilers). Existing boilers: Pictures attached Boilers are currently located on the first floor with easy access to mechanical room. Current System data: Two boilers (obsolete) Each boiler has below specifications: Input: 399,000 BTU/H Minimum Input: 75,000 BTU/H Output: 369,873 Propane units Room size 10.5'x 18' Pad for current boilers: 30"x 98" Current boiler dimension: 2' wide, 2' deep, 36" tall. Roughly 6 foot height available. Door to Room size: 35" x 83.5 The object of this RFP is to obtain proposals to replace the existing boilers and associated equipment with units that will help reduce energy cost and maintain the building in comfort safely. II. WORK REQUIRMENTS A. Technical Requirements 1. The contractor is to furnish all equipment, supplies and labor to install the boilers and other items associated with the boilers. Contractor shall obtain all permits required by federal, state and local regulations prior to commencement of work. All required paperwork and calculations required to obtain any permits shall be provided to the Contracting Officer's Representative and Facility Manager (FM) at time of submission as well as the permits themselves upon receipt of the documents from the permitting agencies. All demolished materials shall be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner, recycling wherever possible. 2. Criteria for acceptance of product or service Meets or exceeds the centers needs and all work is completed to code Pricing (Factor 4) o Contractors shall submit the price as a lump sum in block 19 of the SF 1449. Price will be evaluated based on reasonableness. Submission of Offers: Offers shall be submitted by the due date and time provided on the SF1449 block 8 to Dayna Parkin at dparkin@usgs.gov. The Government intends to award a single-award service contract to the responsive and responsible offeror whose offer conforms to the solicitation and has been determined to be the most advantageous and best value to the Government. All evaluation factors other than cost or price, when combined, are significantly more important than cost or price. It should be noted that price does not have a definite adjectival rating but will be evaluated based on reasonableness. The Contracting Officer will screen proposals to identify and eliminate any proposal that are so incomplete as to preclude a meaningful evaluation of technical/past performance/non-price factors. One (1) electronic copy submission: Tab A: For a site visit a minimum of 24 hours advance notice MUST be given for attendees of the site visit. Email both Dayna Parkin, dparkin@usgs.gov and Roy Dodson, rdodson@usgs.gov to confirm attendance. Attendance at a site visit is strongly encouraged. Questions and answers discussed at the site visit WILL NOT be binding on the resultant contract unless submitted in writing and incorporated into the RFQ by amendment. A site visit will take place Tuesday September 6, 2022 at 10:00 am eastern standard time. Participants will meet at USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center 11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville, WV 25430. Tab B: Offer Form (Standard Form 1449) - original signature and date; Contract Administration Data; DUNS Number; Acknowledgement of Solicitation Amendments if applicable. Tab C: Delivery/Schedule. Include your best delivery/schedule to include lead times on all material. (Factor 1) o A delivery/schedule with a completion date that is less than or equal to 60 days after receipt of order (ARO) will be rated higher than a delivery/schedule with a completion date that is more than 60 days ARO. Please confirm that you can meet the 60 days. Tab D: Completed copy of FAR 52.204-24, 52.209-5 -7 -11 and 52.212-3. Tab E: Boiler Specifications (Factor 2) o Boiler Specifications - Offeror's must provide the boiler specifications that is being proposed in the Performance Based Work Statement. The response shall reflect a clear understanding of the nature of work being performed and deliverables and how the offeror anticipates meeting all the requirements. o Vendor shall provide documentation of their boiler to show that it meets all specifications as listed in the Performance Based Work Statement. Tab F: Past Performance (Factor 3) o Offeror shall submit at least 1 (commercial and/or government) references for similar services performed during the past two years. Each reference shall include: the company name, address, point(s) of contact phone number and email address(es). References provided may be contacted by the Government. Their statements will be used in the evaluation of the offeror's proposal. In addition, any information obtained by the Government from references outside of the offeror's quotation may also be used, in a similar manner, in the technical evaluation of the offeror's quotation to the extent appropriate. Questions and Answers (Q&A): Questions relating to this Solicitation shall be presented by e-mail to dparkin@usgs.gov no later than 4 calendar days prior to the closing date of the solicitation. The Government will evaluate the questions, and if needed, an Amendment will be issued with the questions received and their associated answers. If further questions arise following the outcome of answers provided to initial questions, the Contracting Officer has sole discretion to determine if a new question closing date will be required. If a new question closing date is approved, an amendment will be posted. Please note that an active registration at https://sam.gov/SAM/ is mandatory in order to receive an award.




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September 14, 2022

October 14, 2022


11649 Leetown Rd, Kearneysville, WV

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