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Published October 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a service station / car wash facility in Ventura, California. Working plans call for the renovation of a service station / car wash facility.
As of 10/17/2022, the bids for this project have been rejected. The owner will eventually rebid. Bids shall be submitted either in hard copy in sealed envelopes marked on the outside, "Ventura Harbor Village and Ventura Port District Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Units" or Via email to Jessica Rauch, Executive Clerk, at Emails should be under the subject: Ventura Harbor Village and Ventura Port District Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Units. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT The Port District is seeking to procure 25 Level 2 Electric Vehicle charging units. The District intends to own the units outright and to set its rates at its own discretion. Installation of the units is not required as part of this contract. Installation pricing provided will not be used in evaluation of the bids. The units must conform to the following requirements: 1. The units must be Commercial Grade Level 2 charging units and: a. must be marine grade stainless steel or marine/aircraft grade aluminum construction with UV protection for display and unit b. must be compatible with 208V 60Hz single phase c. must provide no less than 6.2 kWh d. no more than 40 amps per unit e. enclosure should be NEMA 3R or better rating. Preference may be given to NEMA 3RX or 4X ratings due to the additional protection against corrosion f. must be pedestal/bollard mounted with stainless steel mounting hardware g. must have SAE J1772 charging connector h. must have 18' charging cable minimum i. must be ENERGY STAR certified j. must be (UL-50E) certified k. must be cellular network enabled (LTE-4G or better) l. Must be Open charge point protocol (OCPP) compliant m. Must be Over the air (OTC) update enabled n. should be California Type Evaluation Program (CTEP) certified 2. The units must be listed under the Southern California Edison's Approved Product List . Charge Ready Light Duty Program (Column C) b. L2 Charge Ready Light Duty Rebate Category (Column I) 3. The units can be either: a. 25 single-port chargers; or b. 9 dual-port and 7 single-port chargers. 4. The units must come with pedestals/stands/poles/bollards, mounting equipment, mounting hardware, cables, and cable management systems for an in-ground installation at the District's parking lots. Preference may be given to cable management systems that keep cables off the ground. 5. The units must include a network service program for a minimum of one year and bidders must provide their service fee pricing for years two through five. 6. The unit must be compatible with one or more of the SCE Charge Ready Approved Network Providers. Bidders must state which Approved Network Provider(s) their units are proposed to be used with as well as annual cost per unit for that service. Network must use an open standard protocol as a basic framework for purposes of network interoperability. 7. Bidder should also provide a list of all network providers the devices are compatible with. 8. The network provider proposed must be accessible for the Port District and any designated third party to access the usage and fee data on demand. The network must be able to automatically alert DISTRICT staff or a designated third-party by text or email in the event of a unit outage. 9. The District must be able to set the charging fee at its discretion, including making the service free. 10. The units must include at least one-year full-service warranty from the time of installation. Bidders shall provide optional pricing for warranty service in years two through five. 11. Delivery of the units is not anticipated to be required before January 1, 2023. 12. The units will be operated in an outdoor environment near the ocean. Devices and hardware should be suitable for the conditions. V. REQUIREMENTS FOR RFP RESPONSE Proposals should include: 1. A proposed cost based on the specifications herein including a statement regarding proposed network service from Approved Network Provider(s) and optional future warranty pricing for years two through five. 2. Statements of qualifications concisely verifying compliance of the units with the requirements above. 3. Statements regarding the suitability of the units for use in an outdoor environment near the sea. 4. Statement verifying that the units shall be available for delivery by January 1, 2023. 5. Detailed summary of responding entity or organization. 6. At least three references that use the same product including contact names and phone numbers. 7. A one-page statement of any other relevant factors that should be considered by the DISTRICT in evaluating the proposal may be provided. 8. Awarded service provider will enter into a service contract with the district. Upon execution of service agreement terms for payment will be agreed on a monthly net 30 schedule. VI. REVIEW & SELECTION PROCESS The DISTRICT reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. Although in principle, the DISTRICT intends to award to the lowest responsible bidder, the DISTRICT reserves the right to compare the relative merits of the respective bids and to choose that which in the opinion of the DISTRICT will best serve the interests or need of the DISTRICT. During the evaluation process, the DISTRICT reserves the right to request additional information or allow corrections of errors or omissions. The DISTRICT reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. It is anticipated the selection of the charging units will be completed by September 21, 2022. VII. BACKGROUND The District is the owner/operator of the Ventura Harbor and Ventura Harbor Village. The Harbor is a 274-acre multiple use recreational and commercial fishing small craft harbor. The Ventura Harbor is a premier recreational harbor in Ventura County offering a variety of amenities for boater enthusiasts and visitors, including easy access to the Channel Islands, recreational fishing activities, boatyards, fuel docks, tours, rentals, cruises, yacht clubs and public launch ramp. Ventura Harbor has five marinas with 1,500 boat slips. The Ventura Harbor Village is a vibrant mixed-use seaside attraction with boutiques, art galleries, and waterfront restaurants, plus entertainment venues, Island Packers whale watching and island tours, monthly and seasonal events, harbor boat tours, and more. The Ventura Harbor is also home to the Channel Islands National Park Headquarters and Visitor Center, along with being one of the largest offloading harbors for squid. VIII. CONTACT INFORMATION If you have questions, please contact Todd Mitchell, Sr. Business Operations Manager, at (805) 621-7169 or via email at Tuesday through Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM.
Final Planning
Service Station / Car Wash
Public - City
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
Division 11 - Equipment
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Ventura Harbor Village and Ventura Port District Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Units
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