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Published October 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Jonesboro, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and pre-engineered storage facility.

Prequalification Statements received after said date and time will be returned unopened. Prequalification Statements shall be submitted using only the Prequalification Statement form provided by the Owner. The Prequalification Statements shall include, without exception, all of the information and representations called for by the Owners Prequalification Statement form. Failure to furnish all of the requested information and representations shall result in the prospective bidder being disqualified from bidding on the Project. Prospective bidders who fail to become prequalified to bid on the Project will not be permitted to bid on the Project and bids submitted by any person or entity that is not so prequalified shall be returned unopened. On or before Wednesday, October 12, 2022, by written notice addressed to the prospective bidder at the address set forth on the prospective bidders Prequalification Statement, the Owner will notify each prospective bidder that has timely submitted a Prequalification Statement utilizing the Owners required form, as to whether it is, or is not, prequalified to bid on the Project. In the event that a prospective bidder is not prequalified to bid on the Project, the reason(s) for its disqualification will be briefly and succinctly stated. Such notification will be provided in a sufficiently timely manner to give disqualified bidders an opportunity to respond to their disqualification and, if successful in their response, to bid on the Project. All prospective bidders that become prequalified to bid on the Project shall be deemed qualified and the Project shall be awarded, if at all, to the lowest responsive qualified bidder, unless any of such bidders qualification information or representations change after submission of its Prequalification Statement and before the award, and such change results in such bidder being disqualified under the Criteria, in which even the contract shall be awarded, if at all, to the next lowest responsive qualified bidder that remains qualified at the time of the award. Each bidder shall have a continuing duty to notify the Owner, in writing, in the event that any of its qualification information or representations change after it submits its Prequalification Statement and before the contract is awarded and signed by the Owner. In the event that the contract is awarded to a bidder and any of such bidders qualification information or representations change after the award and before the contract is signed by the Owner, and such change results in such bidder being disqualified under the Criteria, the contract shall be awarded to, if at all, the next lowest responsive qualified bidder that remains qualified. The successful bidder shall provide such bid, performance, and payment bonds covering the Project as provided by applicable law. Any prospective bidder that receives notice from the Owner that it is not prequalified for the Project may respond to its disqualification by submitting a written response to the Owners Construction Department ("Construction Department") at the address set forth above, to be actually received by the Owner by the earlier to occur of (i) within five (5) business days of such disqualified bidders receipt of its notice of disqualification, or (ii) within five (5) business days of the deposit into the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such bidders address set forth in the prequalification statement, of such bidders notice of disqualification. Such written response shall set forth in reasonable detail the reasons why such a disqualified bidder believes it should have been prequalified to bid on the Project. The Owners Construction Department shall, within three (5) business days of timely receipt of any such response, rule upon the sufficiency of such response and either declare that such bidder is deemed prequalified or declare that such bidder shall continue to be disqualified for the Project. Such ruling by the Owners Construction Department shall be communicated to such bidder in writing not later than three (3) business days from such ruling, and shall be final and binding The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and the right to waive any and all formalities and technicalities.

Final Planning

Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - County


Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 5, 2022

December 5, 2022


218 Stockbridge Rd, Jonesboro, GA

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