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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Huntington, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

238330 RFQ 36C24522Q1013 Flooring Installation Hershel Woody Williams VA Medical Center 1540 Spring Valley Drive Huntington, WV 25704 This solicitation is intended to procure flooring installation in accordance with the statement of work. NAICS: 238330 TYPE OF CONTRACT: This will be a Firm-Fixed-Price Contract Please see section E for Instructions to Offerors. AND FLOOR, PREP (2 SKIMCOATS), INSTALL HEAVYWEIGHT LVT #3095 SHADYSIDE AND ROPPE 4" COVE BASE Contract Period: Base POP Begin: 09-19-2022 POP End: 12-31-2022 PRINCIPAL NAICS CODE: 238330 - Flooring Contractors PRODUCT/SERVICE CODE: N099 - Installation of Equipment INTRODUCTION - The Hershel "Woody" Williams VAMC located at 1540 Spring Valley Drive, Huntington WV, 25704 has a requirement to replace damaged and worn flooring in the Medical Resident Arlington Conference Room room 2A132. A.2 BACKGROUND - The existing flooring in the listed areas are very worn and damaged causing potential safety hazards. A.3 SCOPE OF WORK - Vendor will provide all parts, labor, equipment, material, and supervision to adequately replace all damaged/worn flooring in 1 lounge room, 3 on-call rooms and 4 work rooms as well as install cove base in these areas. B.1 Tasks to be accomplished: o Vendor shall supply all materials, labor and supervision to replace flooring and vinyl cove base in above stated areas in various locations throughout the VA Medical Center. o Specific material requirements: o Flooring shall be Heavyweight 28 mil 3095 Shadyside LVT, approximately 750 square feet is required; o Base shall be Roppe 700 Series 4" Vinyl Base in Roppe 114 Lunar Dust color and approximately 130 lineal feet of base is required; o VENDOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO FIELD MEASURE AREA PRIOR TO MATERIAL PURCHASE. VAMC HUNTINGTON IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR SHORTAGES; o All materials shall be brought to the Warehouse loading dock located at the rear of Hershel "Woody" Williams VAMC at 1540 Spring Valley Drive, Huntington, WV. Delivery vehicles shall keep traffic disruptions to a minimum. Use of any other entry points must be approved by Chief, Engineering Service prior to use; o Vendor shall work only during approved work times. Approved work times for this job may be outside normal working hours of 8AM - 430PM to avoid service interruptions. As such, work time will need to be coordinated with COR and will be flexible. o After completion of installation work, vendor shall appropriately clean areas inside the building where installation occurred. This may include vacuuming, broom sweeping, and/or trash collection; o Vendor shall supply their own trash/waste removal and shall remove all packaging, crates, and/or other waste materials created as a function of delivery of the purchased materials. VA waste collection services shall not be used by the vendor for any reason; o Vendor shall also provide proof of insurance prior to beginning work to cover remediation of any damage caused to the building as a function of the installation process. This includes significant wall scrapes, holes in walls, carpet tears or stains, etc. C.1 Place of Performance - Room 2A132 at the Hershel "Woody" Williams VAMC located at 1540 Spring Valley Drive, Huntington, WV 25704. C.2 Period of Performance - The Contractor shall perform all work during outside normal business hours, as stipulated earlier. Work is to begin as soon as possible but no later than within 15 calendar days from date of award. The start date must be approved and coordinated with the VAMC Interior Designer C.3 Special Considerations - C.3.1 Contractor Furnished Materials - All labor, materials, equipment to perform the job. When "furnish", "provide", "install", or similar term is used it shall mean a complete installation, ready for use. The vendor shall supply all parts, equipment, material and labor to perform the work described above. The work will include all items as described in the Scope of Work listed above. C.3.2 Government Furnished Materials and Services. Government furnished property, if any, will be identified and will only be used for the performance of this contract unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall, at all times, take any and all steps necessary for maintenance and preservation of all Government-furnished property. The Contractor shall comply with all reasonable requests of the Contracting Officer to enclose, or specifically protect, Government-furnished property. C.3.3 Qualifications of Key Personnel - Contractor's employees should be knowledgeable of standards associated with this type work. C.3.4 Supervision/Communications. At all times during the performance, the Contractor's Superintendent (if applicable) shall be available by cellular phone. Prior to beginning any work, the Contractor shall supply the COTR with the telephone number for the Superintendent. The Contractor's "Competent Person" that meets OSHA training guidelines, is capable of making decisions and acting on behalf of the Contractor shall be physically located on site at all times during performance of the contract. If the Contractor's Competent Person is absent from the job site for an extended period of time, the COTR may send all Contractor/sub-contractor employees off the job. C.3.5 Security Requirements: Contractor shall identify which employees will be working under the awarded contract. Contractor personnel shall include employees, sub-contractors, subcontractor employees, suppliers and delivery personnel entering the Medical Center. This does not apply to suppliers and delivery personnel making deliveries to the VA warehouse dock only. Those employees shall bring photo ID to obtain a VA Contractor identification badge that shall be worn above the belt at all times while on Medical Center property. Contractor's employees shall return all I.D. badges to designated personnel at time designated in the task order. C.3.6 The Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) is responsible for the inspection of the work called for in this job. The Contracting Officer's Technical Representative will be identified in the task order by name, telephone number and location. Inspections made by the COTR are for the sole benefit of the Government and do not relieve the Contractor of any quality control responsibilities. C.3.7 The Safety Manager is responsible for safety inspections of all contract operations. The Safety Manager will be identified in the task order by name, phone number and location. C.3.8 Drawings - General. Contract drawings (if applicable) will indicate the extent and location of work. If any departure from the contract drawings are deemed necessary by the Contractor, the details of such departure and the reasons therefore shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer for approval as soon as practical. No such departure shall be made without proper written permission of the Contracting Officer. The Contractor is responsible for all information and requirements in drawings and specifications that pertain to the task order. C.3.9 Verification of Dimensions - The Contractor shall visit the job site to thoroughly familiarize himself with all the details of the work and working conditions. The Contractor shall also verify all dimensions in the field and shall advise the Contracting Officer of any discrepancy before performing any work. The Contractor shall be specifically responsible for the coordination and proper relation of his work to the building, structure, phasing and ensure the safety of employees and workmen. C.3.10 Smoking Policy. The Contractor shall not allow smoking in any building. The Contractor shall ensure employees smoke only in designated outdoor areas, 50 feet away from buildings. C.3.11 Parking/Traffic Regulations. The Contractor shall not park on grassy areas unless approved by the COTR and the Contractor agrees to restore areas back to VA standards. Drivers should be particularly concerned with pedestrian traffic. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Posted speed limits and all other traffic controls are to be observed by operators at all times. Seat belt use is mandatory on the VA grounds. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA 1. Contract Administration: All contract administration matters will be handled by the following individuals: a. CONTRACTOR: TBD b. GOVERNMENT: Contracting Officer 36C245 Department of Veterans Affairs Network Contracting Office 5 (NCO 5) 90C NCO 5 1540 Spring Valley Dr. Huntington WV 25704




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1540 Spring Valley Dr, Huntington, WV

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