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Published December 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a sidewalk / parking lot in Lewiston, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a sidewalk / parking lot.

The work for the Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS) shall consist of, but not be limited to, the complete and satisfactory construction of all components and product support as required to provide a fully operational PARCS that will service (up to) five (5) parking garages as they exist in the City of Lewiston, Maine. The City of Lewiston has engaged Walker Consultants to assist in the development of the Request for Proposal documents as they pertain to the new PARCS including installation oversight. All communication concerning this RFP must be communicated through the City's Consultant, Walker Consultants. No direct communication with the City of Lewiston, ME, or its employees or staff pertaining to the RFP will be allowed. All communication shall be mail to: Greg Strangeways GStrangeways@WalkerConsultants.com Geoffrey Posluszny GPosluszny@WalkerConsultants.com CC to: Allen Ward Award@lewistonmaine.gov Louie Turcotte LBTurcotte@LewistonMaine.gov Jeff Beaule JBeaule@LewistonMaine.gov The Purchasing Agent will communicate any bid changes via addendum to all registered firms who have registered as attending the pre-bid conference. Selected PARCS vendor will be required to coordinate work and schedule with the Electrical and Civil work performed under separate contract resulting from City of Lewiston, Maine RFP # 2022-065. Electrical and Civil work includes, but may not be limited to, removal and replacement of PARCS Islands, electrical conduit and wiring, and communication conduits. Although no bid security is required for submittal for proposal 2022-066; a performance and payment bond shall be executed on AIA Document A312-2010, in accordance with General Conditions. Performance and payment bond fee must be provided on the proposal price form. Performance bond will be equal to 100% of respondent's proposed fee. Contractor may purchase copied of Agreement from the American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20006. Each bidder is required to state in his/her Proposal his/her name and place of residence and the names of all persons or parties interested as principals with him/her; and that the Proposal is made without any connection to any other bidder making any Proposal for the same work; and that no person acting for, or employed by, the City of Lewiston is directly or indirectly interested in the Proposal or in any contract which may be entered into to which the Proposal relates, or in any portion of the profits therefrom, except as provided by the City Charter. The Contractor shall give his/her personal attention constantly to the faithful prosecution of the work, shall keep the same under his/her personal control, and shall not assign, by power of attorney or otherwise, nor sublet the work or any part thereof, without the previous written consent of the Purchasing Agent; and shall not, either legally or equitably, assign any of the money payable under this Agreement or his/her claim thereto, unless by and with the like consent of the Purchasing Agent. Proof of insurance coverage will also be required from the subcontractor and any liabilities on the part of the subcontractor will be the responsibility of the contractor under his contract with the City and the City will be held harmless. The contractor shall take all necessary affirmative action steps to assure that qualified minority businesses, women's businesses, and labor surplus area firms are included in the hiring of any subcontractor working on this City project. Completion- May 31, 2023 Bid Result : Hosted Solution Option - Scheidt & Bachmann - $ 626,473.00 On-premise Solution - Scheidt & Bachmann - $ 575,835.00


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City






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