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Published October 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Fairfield, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The work to be performed consists of the renovation of two existing basement restrooms including new fixtures, finishes, lighting, venting and automatic hand dryer; addition of a new fully accessible restroom including plumbing waste and supply connection, venting, fixtures, finishes and electrical/lighting; replacement of storefront door and window with new units in place, minor demolition of existing stoop and installation of new stair, stoop and hand railings. North Entry Modification: foundation and footing excavation, installation of concrete stoop, steel handrails and steel/concrete bollards, removal and replacement of storefront aluminum door with automatic operator and associated wiring (Alternate 2). Bathroom Renovation: demolition of existing fixtures and finishes in existing bathrooms, removal and replacement of concrete slab as required to accommodate new under slab plumbing, coring of foundation walls to accommodate water distribution and ventilation, installation of new door, GWB partitions and tile, installation of new plumbing fixtures and toilet partitions, installation of electrical and lighting. Providing a new bottle filler water fountain will be included as Alternate 1. A primary focus of the conference is to review project requirements, ask questions, and permit Bidders' inspection of the existing conditions. The date for Award of Contracts for construction is anticipated on October 3rd, 2022, with the Notice to Proceed being issued no later than October 17 th , 2022. The contractor will have full access to the site for the duration of the project. No date is set for substantial completion but a Fall 2022 start is highly desired. Bid Security shall be made payable to Jefferson County Iowa, in the amount of 10 percent (10%) of the Base Bid sum. Security shall be CERTIFIED CHECK, BANK CASHIERS CHECK or AIA A310 BID BOND issued by the Surety licensed to conduct business in the state in which the Project is being constructed. The Owner reserves the right to approve the sufficiency of the required bid security. The successful bidder's Security will be retained until it has signed the Contract and furnished the required PAYMENT and PERFORMANCE BONDS. The Owner reserves the right to retain the Security of the next three (3) lowest bidders until the lowest Bidder enters into a Contract or until sixty (60) days after bid opening, whichever is the shorter. All other Bid Security will be returned as soon as practical. If any Bidder refuses to enter into a Contract, the Owner will retain its Bid Security as liquidated damages, but not as a penalty The Bid Security is to be submitted and attached to the BID FORM at the time of submission of Bids. Existing Conditions: It is highly encouraged that all prime Contract Bidders visit the site to become familiar with existing conditions which affect the Work. Subcontract Bidders are encouraged to visit the site also. All visits to the site must be scheduled with the Director. C. The site is available for review at any time, no appointment is required




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October 13, 2022

October 31, 2022


51 E Briggs Ave, Fairfield, IA

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