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Published January 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

Contract Award Date: Dec 19, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912EE23C0003 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: EZC9KTL942E9 Contractor Awarded Name: CORE CONSOLIDATED LLC Contractor Awarded Address: Texarkana, TX 75501-4003 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $2940680.00 U.S. ARMY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CENTER GSL BUILDING 6000 ROOFING REPLACEMENT, VICKSBURG, WARREN COUNTY, MS Description of Work: The w ork consists of furnishing all plant, labor, materials and equipment, and constructing the Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) Building roofing repairs. Wor includes removal of the existing roofing material, installing a new TPO roof covering, flashing of numerous mechanical ventilation handler casings, and install/repair of the roof drainage system. The estimated value of the proposed w ork is betw een $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. Site visits may be arranged during normal duty hours by contacting: Name: Mr. Robin Blake, Area Engineer Address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vidalia Area Office 100 Advocate Row Vidalia, Louisiana 71373-3032 Telephone: (318) 336-5226 The amount of the bid guarantee shall be 20 percent of the bid price or $3,000,000 Goals for Minority Participation for Each Trade - 32.0% Goals for Female Participation for Each Trade - 6.9% QUESTIONS 5 DAYS PRIOR TO BID OPENING IN ORDER TO ENSURE ADEQUATE TIME IS ALLOTTED TO FORM AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE AND AMEND THE SOLICITATION, IF NECESSARY. TO SUBMIT AND REVIEW INQUIRY ITEMS, PROSPECTIVE VENDORS WILL NEED TO USE THE BIDDER INQUIRY KEY PRESENTED BELOW AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS LISTED BELOW THE KEY FOR ACCESS. SUSPENSION OF WORK (APR 1984) (a) The Contracting Officer may order the Contractor, in writing, to suspend, delay, or interrupt all or any part of the work of this contract for the period of time that the Contracting Officer determines appropriate for the convenience of the Government. (b) If the performance of all or any part of the work is, for an unreasonable period of time, suspended, delayed, or interrupted (1) by an act of the Contracting Officer in the administration of this contract, or (2) by the Contracting Officer failure to act within the time specified in this contract (or within a reasonable time if not specified), an adjustment shall be made for any increase in the cost of performance of this contract (excluding profit) necessarily caused by the unreasonable suspension, delay, or interruption, and the contract modified in writing accordingly. However, no adjustment shall be made under this clause for any suspension, delay, or interruption to the extent that performance would have been so suspended, delayed, or interrupted by any other cause, including the fault or negligence of the Contractor, or for which an equitable adjustment is provided for or excluded under any other term or condition of this contract. (c) A claim under this clause shall not be allowed (1) For any costs incurred more than 20 days before the Contractor shall have notified the Contracting Officer in writing of the act or failure to act involved (but this requirement shall not apply as to a claim resulting from a suspension order); and (2) Unless the claim, in an amount stated, is asserted in writing as soon as practicable after the termination of the suspension, delay, or interruption, but not later than the date of final payment under the contract. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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3909 Halls Ferry Rd, Vicksburg, MS

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