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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newton, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Newton, Iowa is seeking competitive quotations for the completion of the public improvement hereafter described. Contractors qualified to perform the work and able to obtain the required performance bond are invited to submit competitive quotations. 1. Description of the Public Improvement Work to be Performed. The public improvement work for which the City is seeking competitive quotations is generally described as follows: 2022 Union Cemetery Stump Removal Project - This project includes the grinding of 105 existing stumps of unspecified diameters at Newton Union Cemetery - 1601 W 4th St N -Newton, Iowa. Competitive Quotations to be Submitted on Form Provided. Competitive quotations shall be filed on the Competitive Quotation form provided by the City and included with this RFQ. Competitive quotations which are filed in any other form shall be determined to be non-responsive and shall be rejected by the City. The contractor who is awarded the contract to perform the work shall be required to provide a performance bond to secure the timely completion of the work. Execution of Contract Upon Acceptance and Approval of Performance and Payment Bond and Evidence of Insurance. Upon the Citys determination which contractor has submitted the lowest responsive, responsible quotation, the City will take action to award the contract to that contractor, conditioned upon the contractors submission, and the City's approval, of the contractor's performance bond and evidence of insurance, and further conditioned upon the contractors execution of a contract in the form included with this RFQ and its approval and execution by the City. The Quoting Contractor hereby agrees: 1. To enter into a Contract to Construct a Public Improvement with the City, if this Competitive Quotation is selected, in the City-approved form included in the RFQ. 2. To provide insurance in the form and limits required by the City. 3. To furnish a performance bond upon execution of the contract in a form acceptable to the City. 4. To complete the work on or before April 1, 2023; and be subject to payment of liquidated damages of $50 per calendar day should work not be completed on or before the specified date. 5. To construct the work in accordance with the specifications and notes included in this Request for Quotations packet. 6. To not include sales tax in this Competitive Quotation, with the understanding that the City will issue a sales tax exemption certificate for purchase of materials to be incorporated into the project.


Religious / Funeral


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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September 23, 2022

October 24, 2022


1601 W 4th St N, Newton, IA

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