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Published October 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This RFP is an invitation by the City of Toronto (the "City") to prospective suppliers to submit Bids for non-exclusive supply of all labour, equipment, material, supervision, and any associated equipment required by CAN/ULC-S561 to Monitor Fire Alarm Systems, as further described in Part 3 (Requirements for Deliverables). The meeting is optional, however Suppliers are strongly encouraged to attend and not being able to attend the meeting will not constitute a justification for deadline extension. Should for any reason any verbal response to questions be provided during this information meeting, they are not considered to be official and do not modify or form a part of this RFP for Monitoring Fire Alarm Systems. Where a question addressed during the meeting results in additional information that should modify or supplement the terms of this Monitoring Fire Alarm Systems RFP, the City will issue an Addendum following the meeting in accordance with Part 1 section 1.7 of this Monitoring Fire Alarm Systems RFP. When actual Solicitation is published, suppliers are asked to confirm attendance with RFP Contact via Ariba Message Board no later than Sep 22, 2022 Noon. Once received and confirmed by the City designate, Suppliers will then be provided with the appropriate web conferencing details and links. 1. Primary Supplier Requirements .1 This RFP is an invitation for the supply of all labour, equipment, material and supervision for the Monitoring, Certification, and Installation of equipment for Monitoring Fire Alarm Systems in compliance with CAN/ ULC-S561 for the City of Toronto. .2 The supplier will monitoring of fire and life safety systems within all the City of Toronto locations. .3 The supplier shall provide a 24/7 call centre with the ability to communicate and report in real time with City staff and Toronto Fire Services. .4 The supplier shall provide on demand reporting of all events (Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory). .5 The supplier shall provide a variety of redundancy options for all systems which could include multiple GSM networks, hardwire solution, backup network options. .6 The supply and installation of equipment for monitoring of fire alarm systems, which includes hardwired equipment and Cellular GSM back up hardware. .7 To provide all necessary repair and maintenance services for all fire and life safety monitoring equipment within the City of Toronto



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Toronto, ON

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