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Published April 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a fire / police facility in W Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a fire / police facility.

Rebid- Docs will be posted at https://yarmouth.ma.us/bids.aspx, beginning March 29, 2023 The Town of Yarmouth, acting through its Town Administrator, hereby requests the submittal of proposals from qualified professional firms for the Town of Yarmouth Modular Shooting Range project following the specifications set forth within the Request for Proposals (RFP) documents. This solicitation is being conducted in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, c. 149, 44E(4), and all contracts must be strictly awarded in accordance with the requirements of this Act. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP or otherwise provide additional information, an addendum will be issued to all prospective proposers who received copies of the original request. A response to the RFP requires a separate Technical Proposal and a separate Price Proposal, both submitted in separate, sealed envelopes. Please follow the submission requirements and instructions contained within this RFP, failure to do so may result in the response being considered nonresponsive. The Town of Yarmouth reserves the right to reject any or all proposals which are not responsible and/or responsive, in whole or in part, as deemed in the best interest of the Town, in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws. Prevailing Wage Requirement: Yes Bid Bond: 5% Performance Bond: 100% Payment Bond: 100% Because both parties recognize (1) that the time for completion of this Contract is of the essence, (2) that the Town will suffer loss if the work is not completed within the contract time specified, plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with the provisions of this contract, and (3) the delays, expense and difficulties involved in a legal proceeding to determine the actual loss suffered by the Town if the work is not completed in time, it is agreed that the Contractor will pay the Town as liquidated damages representing an estimate of delay damages to which the Contractor agrees by entering into this Contract, not as a penalty, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per day for each calendar day of delay until the work is completed, whether the work is completed by the Contractor or some other person. The Town's right to impose liquidated damages shall in no way prohibit or restrict the Town's right to bring a legal action for damages in lieu of or in addition to its option to impose liquidated damages. The Town may deduct any liquidated damages from money due the Contractor, and if such payment is insufficient to cover the liquidated damages, then the Contractor shall pay the amount due. The design, prefabrication, site assembly/installation, and all services required to complete the modular shooting range project Svetlana Salemme, Administrative Assistant procurement@yarmouth.ma.us 508.398.2231 ext. 1283 Question Deadline 04/07/2023 at 1:00 PM ET Via email only to: procurement@yarmouth.ma.us Clearly label questions by using the following subject line: QUESTION - Yarmouth Police Modular Shooting Range Town of Yarmouth requests proposals from qualified contractors for the design, prefabrication, site assembly/installation, and all services required to complete and deliver two-position modular, prefabricated, containerized, live fire, indoor shooting range to be located at 340 Higgins Crowell Rd. W. Yarmouth, MA 02673.


Fire / Police


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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April 14, 2023

May 15, 2023


340 Higgins Crowell Rd, W Yarmouth, MA

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