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Published October 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Town of Wolfeboro is requesting bids for sidewalk reconstruction in 3 separate locations within the Town of Wolfeboro. Stantec used NHDOT item numbers to produce the bid schedule attached to this memo. Below is a brief summary of the work at each location. The proposed sidewalk work is located at: North Main Street - Near the Wolfeboro Inn Central Ave Extension - Depot Square Condominiums South Main Street -At Morrisseys Restaurant Remove the existing bituminous sidewalk and brick pavers (salvage brick pavers to the Wolfeboro Inn). The work will take place from the concrete tip down at Sewall Road and end at the entrance to the Meredith Village Savings Bank, approximately 205 LF of new sidewalk. Retain the existing vertical granite curbing. Approximately 20 LF of granite curbing will need to be removed and reset. The Town of Wolfeboro will furnish the missing pieces of curbing. Place 6” of NHDOT Crushed Gravel and 3” of NHDOT bituminous sidewalks. The new sidewalk widths shall match the existing widths. The proposedbituminous sidewalks must match the adjacent walkways in all locations. Any disturbance to the existing landscaping shall be returned to its original condition. The Contractor shall provide traffic control through the work zone at all times. The Contractor must maintain pedestrian access to the businesses at all times. Any existing striping that is disturbed dueto the sidewalk/curbing installation will be re-painted by the Town of Wolfeboro. Remove the existing stamped bituminous sidewalk. Remove and reset the existing vertical granite curbing. The limit of new sidewalks will match the existing concrete sidewalks at Depot St, approximately 165 LF of new sidewalk and curbing. Place 8” of NHDOT Crushed Gravel and 4” of NHDOT Class A reinforced concrete sidewalks. The proposed sidewalks will receive only a broom finish, no stamped concrete will be allowed. The new sidewalk widths shall match the existing widths. The stamped bituminous sidewalk at the stair at the main entrance shall remain and be sawcut to match the new concrete sidewalks. Any disturbance to the existing landscaping shall be returned to its original condition. The Contractor shall provide traffic control through the work zone at all times. The Contractor must maintain pedestrian access to the building at all times. Any existing striping that is disturbed due to the sidewalk/curbing installation will be re-painted by the Town of Wolfeboro. Remove the existing bituminous sidewalk. Remove and reset the existing granite curbing. The work will include approximately 170 LF of reset curbing and sidewalk. The Town of Wolfeboro will install a new catch basin, the Contractor will be required to reset the frame and grate to the appropriate finished grade once the curbing is removed and reset. Place 6” of NHDOT Crushed Gravel and 3” of NHDOT bituminous sidewalks. The new sidewalk widths shall match the existing widths. Any disturbance to the existing landscaping shall be returned to its original condition. The Contractor shall provide traffic control through the work zone at all times. The Contractor must maintain pedestrian access to the business at all times. Any existing striping that is disturbed due to the sidewalk/curbing installation will be re-painted by the Town of Wolfeboro.

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Wolfeboro, NH

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