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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The successful bidder will identify, inventory, and evaluate archeological resources at five (5) WMD/WAARNG installations and make recommendations on their potential eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (installations and acreage listed in Table 1 below). As state-owned, but federally supported facilities, the work will meet requirements under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, amended, to locate, inventory, and account for the effects that federal activities may have on cultural resources. In addition to records review, geographical, pedestrian, and shovel probe survey, and inventory methodology, the contractor will also identify protection requirements, management requirements, and other needs of any identified resources. Technical Scope of Work General. The contractor will: Employ field survey team leads who meet the requirements of the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for Archeology (48 FR 44739). The supervising archeologist must have experience in the historic and prehistoric archeology of the Pacific Northwest. Complete all work in a thorough and professional manner in accordance with the Contract documents, Contractor proposal, specifications, and acknowledged industry standards. Furnish all materials, supervision, labor tools, equipment, apparatus, transportation, etc., necessary to perform and complete all work called for in the contract. Coordinate installation access and field work with the WMD project manager Submit signed, approved invoice vouchers (state form A-19), within 30 days of the completion of the work. Abide by the Emergency Response Notification and Spill Response procedures (Figure 1) in the event of a hazardous materials/substances spill. The archaeological investigation will consist of the following elements: Background Research and Investigation Review of existing historic and prehistoric contexts for WMD facilities. Materials to be studied shall include, but are not limited to, the following: relevant land records, assessment records, media accounts of significant events, plans, plats, maps, past cultural resource reports or studies, WMD Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) and interviews with knowledgeable people to include the SHPO, tribal governments, historical societies and the WMD Museums for each location. Conduct a preliminary assessment for the presence of the four general types of cultural landscapes (as defined by the National Park Service) that may be eligible to the National Register of Historic Places at each of the 9 locations visited. Preliminary risk assessment modeling based on records review, geomorphology, and other data. Fieldwork Site assessment of historic and prehistoric resources to include pedestrian surveys and a representative number of shovel probes based on each site's records review and risk assessment models. Additional shovel probes and or test pits may be required to delimit the horizontal and vertical extent of any sites. The archeological field survey will meet the requirements of National Register of Historic Places Guidelines, and Washington State Standards and Reporting Guidelines for Archeological Surveys. Archaeological permits will be obtained prior to survey start, if required When an archeological site is evaluated, the surface material must be flagged and counted. Artifacts must be left in place unless: they are retained to comply with a SHPO policy, or they are required in the laboratory for additional analysis, drawing, or photography that would assist in interpreting the site and its eligibility for the National Register. While in the team's possession, any archeological material collected must be prepared and stored in accordance with federal regulations (36 CFR Part 79) and in accordance with current guidelines of the Burke Museum in Seattle. Digital Photographs Site and artifact photographs will be captioned, dated, digital colored photographs (at least 300 dpi). When appropriate, photographs will be georeferenced to physical locations. Digital photographs need to be provided as a CD with the final report and e-mailed in draft reports. Geographic Information System (GIS) for digital pictures and survey locations A Global Positioning System (GPS) point will be collected for each shovel probe, test pit, artifact isolate, or archeological site identified during the investigation. A GPS Unit capable of sub-meter accuracy and transferring GPS data to a GIS format will be used. All GIS data created by the contractor will be in Spatial Data Standards (SDS) and have Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) content standard for digital geospatial metadata. The FGDC metadata will be in XML format. The projection of the GIS data will be in the appropriate UTM zone, and datum NAD83. All data collected used to create maps will be included in either a GIS or AutoCAD format. Either data format needs to be in the following coordinate system: NAD 1983 HARN State Plane Washington South FIPS 4602 Feet, WKID: 2927 Authority: EPSG For GIS deliverables the following formats are acceptable: Shapefile(s) File Geodatabase Any collected pictures will be linked with a geospatial point, easily identified in the GIS data. For all data referenced in maps, a list with the map/feature service url will be provided. Report Deliverables The contractor will submit a draft Table of Contents, Draft, Draft Final and Final Report for the archaeological survey and investigation at times mutually agreed upon by the contractor and the WMD project manager. Draft versions will be submitted electronically. The final version will be transmitted as one electronic and one hard copy version of the report. The contractor will provide a minimum of 15 business day review period for each draft deliverable, and will incorporate WMD comments into the final report. The report will include historic and prehistoric context, background research, survey methods, data (including photos, GIS data, and field survey and HPI forms), and results (including National Register of Historic Places evaluation). In addition, the report will provide protection requirements and management recommendations for each installation and any identified resources, as well as an archaeological risk assessment for historic and precontact inadvertent discovery of resources for all surveyed installations. The final report, and associated HPI forms, will be submitted to DAHP's Wisaard database, listing WMD staff as project owners. The contractor will submit the report for DAHP approval and update the report with the assigned Smithsonian trinomials for any identified resources. Mandatory Qualifications The archeological field survey team leads will meet the requirements of the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for Archeology (48 FR 44739). The supervising archeologist must have experience in the historic and prehistoric archeology of the Pacific Northwest. A verifiable record of successfully providing similar services to public and/or private organizations. Bidders who do not meet these minimum qualifications shall be deemed non-responsive and will not receive further consideration. Desirable Qualifications Previous work on similar projects that demonstrates the level of experience and knowledge expected by the WMD to fulfill the requirements outlined in this RFP. Experience/Familiarity providing similar or related services that required development and documentation of costs and budgets, technologies/equipment to survey/inventory/document archaeological resources, data collection and analysis, compliance with NHPA/NAGP requirements, historic eligibility evaluation, project management, site inventory forms, GIS mapping, and monthly and final project reports. Ability to prepare and execute a work schedule that outlines the scope of required work. Ability to manage a complex project with multiple sites. Experience and expertise in developing proposals for senior management and plan creation for cultural, natural and historic site management/protection. Experience and expertise in developing databases for evaluation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), preferably related to natural, cultural or historic surveys. Knowledge of natural, cultural and historic identification, maintenance, management and protection practices at the state and local level. Work related to, or involving, Native American tribes relating to DOD activities. Experience meeting deadlines, working with project stakeholders, and demonstrating excellent verbal and written communication skills Table 1: Installations and Acreage Facility County Acreage Est. Survey Acreage Camp Murray Pierce 228.78 160.24 Camp Seven Mile Spokane 342.55 342.55 Port Orchard Kitsap 8.26 5.76 Snohomish Snohomish 2.39 1.02 Fort George Wright Spokane 6.7 5.55 Closing Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022 Organization: Military Department Point of Contact: The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. As of September 21, 2022, the due date and time has been confirmed with the owner.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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March 22, 2023


Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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