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Published December 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Killingly, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

DDS is soliciting bids for Accessibility improvements at two bath houses at Camp Quinebaug , Killingly. Work to include: roofing, flooring, paint, doors, bathroom fixtures, mechanical systems, plumbing, electrical. Location: 54 Taos Drive, Killingly Scope- Install Water-Resistant wallboard on all walls, tape, prime and paint from 4' up to ceiling. o Install Fiberglass Reinforced Panel to a height of four (4) feet. Color as chosen by the Agency. o Seal bottom and top edges and joints on FRP with a 30-year 100% Silicone caulk and install matching PVC top moldings and "t" type molding at joints. o Paint ceiling, two coats o Remove and replace flooring per specification. o Provide and install commercial grade ADA grab bars, and doorstops. o Replace all existing switches and receptacles and covers with commercial grade products. o Provide and install one dedicated 20-amp circuit will be provided to be shared by both bathrooms. *NONRESIDENT (out of State) CONTRACTOR BOND - In order for final payment to be processed to a nonresident contractor, a certificate from the Commissioner of Revenue Services must be provided which evidences that Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-430 for non-resident contractors has been met. For details concerning the filing of this 5% Guarantee Bond with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS), call the DRS at (860) 541 7538. Includes the complete Roof Replacement at the properties designated 1.02 The Contractor awarded the contract shall be responsible for the entire project. The nature of this project requires the work of various trades including but not limited to: A. Demolition, Roofing, Carpentry, Sheet Metal, Painting, Electrical and related trades as may be required to complete the project including proper disposal of all debris. The Contractor shall provide the services of all trades as may be required to complete the work. A unit price for plywood sheathing replacement (per 4'x8' sheet) beyond the three (3) sheets per home which shall be included in the base price will be provided as a supplemental line item. All other costs shall be included in the Contractor's bid base bid. 1.03 The work includes: A. Removal of existing roofing systems down to decking. B. Preparation of decking for new roofing systems includ replacement of up to two (2) 4'x8' sheets of plywood sheathing per cabin in the base price. C. Installation of New Timberline Prestique Lifetime Shingles by GAF-Elk or approved equal. (Color to be selected by Agency from manufacturers standard color selection to closely match other cabins) D. Removal of existing and installation of a pre-fabricated 3" wide .020 gauge (Color to be selected by Agency from manufacturers standard color selection) painted aluminum drip edge on all outer edges of the roof. E. Contractor to provide Agency with a Limited Warranty for materials and labor. (6.25%) MBE requirement; New roofing (per spec) o Provide and install two 12" Black Turbine Vents over the bathrooms or approved equal o Rebuild Upper Bathroom ramp and deck to code and specifications o Paint o Paint interior spaces one primers coat and two finish coats; o Paint any exterior trim with one primers coat and two finish coats; o Sherwin Williams Premium Wall & Wood Primer o Sherwin Williams Premium Interior and/or Exterior Paint (color TBD) o Provide and install Steel Doors and Frames per specification. o New Trakett ProGen Flooring in bathrooms or approved equal. o Composite "floating" flooring per spec o Provide and install 4" concrete pad (wire mesh or rebar) and 3" bollards for propane tanks. o Provide and install bathroom fixtures o Add Blocking for grab bars etc. o Provide and install commercial grade grab bars as specified. o Install Soap/toilet/paper towel dispensers supplied by owner o Provide and install Stainless Steel Mirrors o Mechanical Systems o Provide and install (1 in each building) Navien Tankless Propane Water Heater NPE-240S2 o or approved equal. o Provide and install all propane piping per code. o Light Commercial Condensate Neutralizer Kit GXXX001325 o Plumb Easy Valve Set o Vent Backflow Damper Collar Kit o Provide and install electrical power as required. o Provide and install piping from tank to water heater per code. o Plumbing o Provide and install all plumbing fixtures as per specifications. o Electrical o Provide and install interior and exterior LED lighting throughout (per plan) o Provide and Install 24 volt "Call for Aid" system in each stall with an annunciator on the exterior of the buildings. o Provide and install commercial grade receptacles, switches o Provide and install a 40-amp GE Q-Line style Load Center (or approved equal)




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 17, 2022

December 12, 2022


54 Taos Dr, Killingly, CT

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