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Published February 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Ames, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

**Project was awarded to Primoris Electric Inc. in the amount of $2,171,699.20. The general nature of the work on which bids are requested is construction of 161 kV overhead transmission line modifications at the intersections of NE 158th Ave, NE 142nd Ave, and NE 126th along Interstate 35, for road improvement projects completed by the Iowa DOT. The Work consists of three (3) parts, generally described as follows: 1. Part I - NE 126 th Ave 161 kV Relocation: a. Includes reconstructing the existing 161 kV transmission line to accommodate the widening of the IA DOT ROW for I-35 road improvements. b. Contractor will furnish all materials, except for existing steel pole Structure #289, which will be re-used at the proposed Structure #288 location (See unit SSSP-288-I). The Contractor shall furnish a new anchor bolt cage for SSSP-288-I as shown on the Drawings. c. Existing OPGW and Phase conductor shall be re-used and transferred to the new structures for this part of the project. 2. Part II - NE 142 nd Ave 161 kV Temporary Construction and Modifications: a. Includes the removal of the existing line between existing Structures #259-#266 and constructing a temporary alignment to maintain 161 kV service to the City of Ames and to create a minimum of 250' clearance for crane operations for the duration of the IA DOT overpass project. b. The Contractor will be required to complete multiple mobilizations to complete the project, including, at a minimum: (1) An initial mobilization to install temporary structures and conductor, and to remove the existing segment of line as shown on the Drawings. (2) At the conclusion of the IA DOT's overpass work, a second mobilization to remove the temporary structures and conductor and reconstruct the line in final alignment. 3. Part III - NE 158 th Ave 161 kV Temporary Construction and Modifications: a. Includes the removal of the existing line between existing Structures #230-#236 and constructing a temporary alignment to maintain 161 kV service to the City of Ames and to create a minimum of 250' clearance for crane operations for the duration of the IA DOT overpass project. b. An existing Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) 161 kV transmission line is in parallel, approximately 75' west of the City of Amesline. CIPCO'sline will require temporary relocation, which will take place after the City of Ames temporary facilities installed. The Contractor shall coordinate all Work with CIPCO, as necessary, to properly schedule the Work. c. The Contractor will be required to complete multiple mobilizations to complete the project, including, at a minimum: (1) An initial mobilization to install temporary structures and conductor, and to remove the existing segment of line as shown on the Drawings. (2) At the conclusion of the IA DOT's overpass work and the removal of CIPCO's temporary line, a second mobilization to remove the temporary structures and conductor and reconstruct the line in final alignment.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work





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