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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in East Fayetteville, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to Mr. Jermaine Walker, County Engineer, 130 Gillespie Street, Room 214, Fayetteville, NC 28301. The outside of the envelope must be marked "PROPOSAL FOR HURRICANE FLORENCE EMERGENCY WATERSHED" and shall indicate the name, address, telephone number and state license number of the bidder. Proposals must be submitted on the printed form, or exact copies thereof, contained in the Contract Documents. GENERAL INFORMATION Failure to return all required documents and information specified in this RFP may result in a determination that the proposal is non-responsive. No costs associated with preparing a proposal, including any mailing costs, publishing cost, etc. will be reimbursed by the County. Stream locations are listed in Appendix 2. Contractors are reminded that this RFP does not give authority to access or traverse private property for the purpose of viewing any sites. Contractors may use public rights-of-way or public boat ramps to access the sites if desired. Performance and Payment Bonds are required. A bid bond is required for this project. All Contractors are notified that North Carolina Statutory provisions as to licensing for contractors will be observed in receiving, reading, and awarding of contracts. The contractor must show evidence that it is in good standing with any North Carolina Board for Licensing or agency that governs the advertised services requested in this RFP. Plans and specifications, including Contract Documents, are open to public inspection and available upon request at the Cumberland County Engineering & Infrastructure Department Office, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Selection of the contractor will be based on lowest responsive responsible bid. A proposed timeline for completing the proposed work scope shall be included and submitted by each bidder responding to this RFP. The timeline shall indicate the number of days/months projected to perform all work scope requested. No bids may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of proposals for a period of forty-five (45) days.


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, East Fayetteville, NC

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