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Published November 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Fishers, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

Project Identification: Hamilton East Public Library Fishers - Noblesville Libraries Interior Renovations Package Fishers Library: Five Municipal Drive, Fishers IN 46038 Noblesville Library: 1 Library Plaza, Noblesville IN 46060 Description of Work: Fishers Library: The project involves interior finishes replacement including carpet tile, wall finishes and some ceiling finishes. Existing wallcoverings are to be removed and gypsum board substrate refinished with a level 4 finish and paint. Noblesville Library: The project involves interior finishes replacement including carpet tile, wall finishes and some ceiling finishes. Existing wallcoverings are to be removed and gypsum board substrate refinished with a level 4 finish and paint. Alternate Bids will include restroom renovations and reconfiguring walls, ceilings and soffits. Bid Basis: Bids shall be submitted as a single bid covering work at both sites. Bids will be based on general construction on a stipulated sum basis and each will include all Work indicated in the Drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents. Caveat: Contract Documents require all Bidders to examine and base their bids on all information in the Contract Documents. Those purchasing individual sheets of Drawings are assumed to also have purchased or have thoroughly reviewed a full set of Documents and Addenda at one of the available sources. Construction Period: Construction will start on or about November 1, 2022. License: All bidders must be licensed by the State, the County and/or by the City, if required by Authorities Having Jurisdiction, in the area of the building location. Right of Owner: Hamilton East Public Library reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to reject a Bid not accompanied by the required bid security or by other data required by the Bidding Documents, or to reject a Bid which is in any way incomplete or irregular. Hamilton East Public Library shall have the right to accept Alternates in any order or combination, or accept on the basis of the Base Bid alone, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Bidding Documents, and to determine the low Bidder on the basis of the sum of the Base Bid and Alternates accepted. INFORMATION ON BID FORM: See Bid Form for Cost Breakdown and sub-contractor lists required at Bid time. PERFORMANCE BOND The successful Bidder for this Contract shall be required to furnish a Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the entire proposal to be furnished for the faithful performance of the Contract. EMPLOYMENT Bidders shall comply with all applicable State, Federal and Local rules regulations and statutes relative to minority hiring and employment practices. PREVAILING WAGE This project is not a prevailing wage project. LABOR STANDARDS - EEO & BWC Drug Workplace All suppliers and trade contractors employed on this project are required to implement an Equal Employment Opportunity Program within their organization. Proper steps should be taken to establish non-discrimination because of race, color, age, creed, sex or national origin. The President's Executive Order #11246 and modifications thereto, as well as other existing Federal and State legislation on Equal Employment Opportunities will be adhered to in the carrying out of the contract. Bidders for public contracts must submit an EEO certificate and proof of enrollment in the BWC Drug Free Workplace Program. These items will be asked for during the post bid interview process. TAXES Owner is tax exempt. QUESTIONS Submit all questions about Documents to LWC, Incorporated in writing to the attention of Kevin McCurdy. Replies will be submitted to all Prime Bidders in writing. Such written clarification shall be considered Addenda and also shall become part of the Contract. Hamilton East Public Library or LWC, Inc. will not be responsible for oral clarification. Questions received less than 24 hours before Bid Opening cannot be answered. General contractors may bring representatives or sub-contractor from each of major divisions of work. Attendance by the General Contractor is mandatory. Sub-contractor attendance is optional.




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Multiple Locations, Fishers, IN

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