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Published March 24, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Windsor, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SUPPLY MANAGEMENT FACILITIES PORTFOLIO November 25, 2022 Unsuccessful Offeror Notice | A01 To: Re: OFFERING FIRMS Solicitation No. 089495-22-A-0073 IQ/JOC Northern Virginia Dear Sir or Madam: Relating to the solicitation listed above and following a determination of best value, the U. S. Postal Service has awarded five (5) contracts for the following project: IQ/JOC Northern Virginia The Postal Service received 8 offers, and 5 contracts were awarded to: F.H. Paschen 5515 N. East River Road Chicago, IL 60656 Biscayne Contractors 5904 Richmond Highway Alexandria, VA 22303 G-Management 5010 Nicholson Lane Rockville, MD 20852 RJ Crowley 8740-30 Cherry Lane Laurel, MD 20707 The Matthews Group 18915 Lincoln Road Purcellvile, VA 20132 As such, your firm's offer was not selected for an award. We appreciate your interest in our project and encourage you to continue pursuing Postal Service contracts. A debriefing is an opportunity for firms to understand how the Postal Service assessed the strengths and weaknesses of a firm's submission. If desired, a request for debriefing must be submitted to the Contracting Officer in writing no later than three (3) calendar days after receiving notice of the evaluation status. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, James Galston. Contracting Officer Cc: Contract File FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION CATEGORY MANAGEMENT CENTER FACILITIES STRATEGIC SOURCING AND INNOVATION CATEGORY MANAGEMENT TEAM 475 L'ENFANT PLAZA SW ROOM 1246 WASHINGTON DC 20268-6201 You have been invited to participate in the RFP for the Northern Virginia IDIQ JOC solicitation. Please ensure that you have read and have an understanding of the USPS Solicitation and all additional attachments. The solicitation opens 9-13-22 and closes 10-18-22 at 3pm EST. The deadline for questions is 10-11-22 at Noon EST. Inquiries are to be submitted via Coupa and may be emailed to Jacquelyn.p.lyne@usps.gov A Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on 9-27-22 at 1pm ET via ZOOM. https://usps.zoomgov.com/meeting/register/vJItcuCvqj4uHAENOiGBlbh2VVxhnTWhxyo Meeting ID: 160 597 4546 Password - 459224 Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly suggested. All proposals must be submitted through Coupa USPS eSourcing. Please note that your Coupa Supplier Portal username and password will be separate from your eSourcing event username and password. eSourcing event username and password will be set up if you are invited to a USPS event. If you need additional help or have any questions, please contact the USPS eSourcing Coupa support team at K3CGP0@usps.gov. Introduction The Postal Service intends to award one or more Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Construction Contracts to facilitate various capital improvement and repair and alteration projects within the geographic area(s) described herein. For all awarded contracts, the base term of the contract will be for one (1) year; with five (5) possible one-year options. The construction cost and performance time for each individual Job Order/Work Order issued under the contract will vary based on the scope of that order and the specific period of performance negotiated. Construction activities may occur in occupied and operating mail processing facilities (possibly 24 hours per day/7 days per week) and in such a case, construction activities must not interfere with mail processing operations. Unless stated herein or otherwise amended, this document, in conjunction with the latest edition of the USPS Supplying Principles & Practices, will be considered policy for the evaluation of an offering firm's qualifications for this solicitation. The Postal Service is interested in selecting the most highly qualified firms for this effort. The information provided in the Technical Proposal, as well as the Price Proposal, will be the basis for the evaluation of offering firms




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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