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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a municipal facility in New York, New York. Completed plans call for the remodel of a municipal facility.

The United Nations Development Corporation ("UNDC"), a public benefit corporation of the State of New York, is seeking a qualified contractor to provide all material, labor, and oversight for the extension and refurbishment of the main entryway vestibule at Two United Nations Plaza. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the installation of new doors, frames and associated hardware, electro-mechanical locks and associated wiring, and keying of the new entrance. Work must be phased by area and continuous to completion once started. Work for each phased work area must be coordinated so it does not interfere with day-to-day operations of the UNDC buildings. Special considerations must be made to ensure continuous and safe entry and egress for tenants and visitors during of the work. The successful contractor must be able to demonstrate ability to direct and control multiple sub-contractors to simultaneously carry out each discipline's work. Two UN Plaza is a Class A, mixed-use, high-rise commercial office building, located in east midtown Manhattan. The minimum required qualifications are as follows: A minimum of ten (10) years of demonstrated experience in this field. Licensed by the State of New York. Liability insurance of $5,000,000. A resume of current assignments in New York City at comparable Class A, high-rise office buildings. For each client, describe the project, the project's date, the services performed, and provide the name, address, and telephone number for a person at client's firm familiar with such work. Companies determined to be qualified will be contacted and provided with an RFP and the date and time of a mandatory pre-bid meeting. Questions should be submitted via email to mark.cornachio@cis.cushwake.com. This solicitation is subject to the procurement lobbying restrictions of New York State Finance Law Sections 139-j and 139-k. These statutes impose certain restrictions on communications between a governmental entity and an offerer during the procurement process. Offerers should only contact designated staff listed in this ad regarding this procurement, and designated staff are required to obtain certain information when contacted. Violations of these statutes can result in rejection for contract award and debarment from obtaining governmental procurement contacts. Further information about these requirements can be found in the Guidelines on Procurement Lobbying It is the policy of UNDC to encourage: (i) participation by New York State-certified minority or women owned business enterprises (MWBEs) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses (SDVOBs) in UNDC's procurement opportunities; (ii) the utilization of MWBEs and SDVOBs as subcontractors, suppliers, and consultants by entities having procurement contracts with UNDC; and (iii) the utilization of partnerships, joint ventures or other similar arrangements between MWBEs and other entities having procurement contracts with UNDC when appropriate. Total MWBE Participation Goals: 30% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Contracting Goal: 6% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Contract term: One year




Public - State/Provincial


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United Nations Plaza, New York, NY

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RFQ Contractor - Entryway Renovations - Two UN Plaza

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