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Published October 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a development in Dushore, Pennsylvania. Working plans call for site work for a development.

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry, requires services for the dismantling of woven wire deer exclosures at specifically designated locations in Forest District 20, Sullivan & Lycoming Counties. Project reference numbers: 202201, 202202, 202203, 202213, and 202214. The Department estimates the total exclosures dismantling during the contract term as follows: Forest District 20: Five (5) exclosures for an estimated total of 29,231 lineal feet Any questions regarding the technical aspect of this bid should be directed to Joe Tate at 717.783.7990 or jotate@pa.gov. Questions regarding the bidding or contracting procedures should be directed to Jody Russell at 717.783.2566 or jorussell@pa.gov. 1. Remove exclosure from all trees, posts, and supports. 2. All exclosure supports that were used to secure the wires to trees and any free-standing wooden posts or supports will be removed. 3. All staples that hold wire to trees and/or wooden exclosure supports will be removed. 4. All nails and staples used to fasten exclosure or exclosure supports to trees will be removed. 5. All walk-through and vehicle gates will be removed. 6. All signs will be removed. 7. Any of the above materials considered to be reusable by the Field Contract Coordinator will be delivered to a site designated by the Field Contract Coordinator for salvage to be reused by the Department. 8. All unusable materials, including removed nails and staples, are to be removed from the site and properly disposed of by the Contractor at the Contractor's own expense. 9. All materials brought to the work site by the Contractor that becomes waste associated with the dismantling of the exclosures, or any personal items inadvertently discarded by the Contractor's employees or ground support personnel, will be collected and removed from the site at the Contractor's own expense. 10. Areas of disturbed soil that result from the dismantling and consolidation of fencing materials are to be recontoured, seeded, and mulched at the Contractor's own expense. 11. All labor, equipment, tools, etc., needed to complete all contractual projects are to be provided by the Contractor.

Final Planning

Conservation and Development


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Dushore, PA

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Deer Exclosure Dismantling Contract 22D-7

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