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Published January 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Danville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**Bid Time has changed from 10:00a to 2:00p** Sealed proposals in duplicate, shall be received in the manner an on the date herein specified for the furnishing of the specified labor, materials, supplies, tools, and or services, indicated for the Site Work for the Restroom/Concessions Building at the Softball Field Complex, as set forth in these specifications and drawings prepared by CARMAN, Lexington, Kentucky Each proposal shall be submitted on forms obtained from these specifications. See Section 004000 for the Form of Proposal. Bids and the proposal shall be delivered to the board of education office and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the following information on the outside: Bid Proposal Site Work for the Danville Independent Schools Restroom/Concession Building for Softball Field Complex. Along with the bidder's name, address, phone number, email address and fax number. The Form of Proposal must be complete per the instructions on the form. Corrections to information on the form must be initialed in order to be valid. A Form of Proposal incorrectly or insufficiently completed will not be considered. A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the Bidder for a period of (60) days after the designated time for receipt of Bids. Bids will be received from the contractors on a "lump sum" basis and a single contract shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best lump sum bid. Danville Independent Schools provide equal opportunities to all of its bidders with respect to the bidding and award of Construction Contracts. Danville Independent Schools requires that the Bidder submit, with the Bid, the following information: 1. Proposal Form - properly signed, with completed Unit Prices and listing of all Sub-contractors and Manufacturers at time of submittal. 2. Bid Guaranty - properly signed, witnessed and executed. Bid security in the form of a certified check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the bid amount. Absence of this document will be grounds for automatic rejection of bids. The bid security is required as a guarantee that if the Proposal is accepted a Contract will be immediately entered into and the performance of it properly secured. The Bid Guaranty shall be issued by a Surety Company that has an AM Best Company rating of 'A-' or better. Upon award of the Contract, a Performance and Payment Bond for 100% of the Bid Amount shall be provided to the Owner. In case the Bid is not accepted, the check of the Bid Bond will be returned to the Bidder. Certified or cashier's checks will not be returned until Board approval of the successful Bidder. Refer to the Instruction to Bidders for additional information The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid, to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in bids received where such acceptance, rejection or waiver is considered to be in the best interest of the Owner, and to reject any bid where evidence or information submitted by the Bidder does not satisfy the Owner that the Bidder is qualified to carry out the details of the Contract Documents. Each company requesting Construction Documents must identify the position of the company as being either a prime bidder, material supplier or other and provide the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for receiving addenda material and general communication concerning the Bid. Digital Plans and Specifications may be downloaded from Lynn Imaging (lynnimaging.com) at no cost to the Bidder. If the Bidder has downloaded the full set of Construction Documents, they may contact Lynn Imaging to request specific plan sheets/specification sections to be printed at a purchase price determined by Lynn Imaging. Digital Plan Room services are available at Builder's Exchange. Digital files (.pdf format) received from Lynn Imaging or Builder's Exchange are for bidding and construction purposes only for the above referenced project. Any contractor or supplier using these files must be aware that these files are the property of CARMAN and their consultants and Danville Independent Schools and are only intended for use for bidding and completion of the current project. Addenda will be issued via email, facsimile, mail or digital download as determined by Lynn Imaging. Submit written requests to the Landscape Architect for clarification of any part of the Contract Documents, for interpretation and correction of any ambiguity, inconsistencies or errors therein. All interpretations and correction will be included by Addendum, issued by the Landscape Architect. Bidder's written requests shall be forwarded to Kevin Warner, CARMAN, 310 Old Vine Street, Suite 200, Lexington, KY 40507 (859) 254-9803 or kwarner@carmansite.com. Written requests may be forwarded up to 2-calendar days before the final Addendum is distributed. The final Addendum will be distributed 4-calendar days before the Bid Date. Only a written interpretation or correction by Addendum shall be binding. No Bidder shall rely upon interpretations or corrections given by any other method.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County






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Multiple Locations, Danville, KY

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