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Published October 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in North Saanich, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

Sidney Laboratory - Building 12 Remediation: 8801 East Saanich, Sidney, BC V8L 1H3 You are invited to submit, to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, a proposal within the terms of the following document to provide hazardous material removal, demolition, and installation of new materials and finishes to restore damaged laboratory spaces to new in Building 12 at the Sidney Laboratory in North Saanich, BC. This project is considered a high priority for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), and for this reason we require the work to be completed in a timely manner. OBJECTIVES: The principal objective of the project is to provide CFIA with hazardous material removal, demolition, and installation of new materials and finishes to restore damaged laboratory spaces to new in Building 12. During extreme rainfall events that took place in BC during the month of November 2021, Building 12 experienced flooding throughout the north and west sections of the building. Removal of some saturated material has occurred through the month of December. This project is for the immediate and corrective action to abate all hazardous material identified (refer to Appendix A - "Sidney - Stantec - Mould Assessment and Remediation Plan - Blg 12 - Dec 20, 2021"; Appendix D - Reserved; and Appendix E - "Sidney - Island EHS - Hazardous Materials Assessment - Blg 12") demolish and remove existing water-damaged materials, ensure all substrates are dry and acceptable for installing new material and finishes to return damaged laboratory spaces to new. Note: The contractor must be mindful that existing scientific program will continue in other areas of the building, which must be divided by a physical barrier to be provided by the contractor. The project will encompass all aspects of hazardous material abatement following provincial requirements, demolition, remediation, and the supply, installation and finishing of new materials. Documents can be obtained at: https://canadabuys.canada.ca/en/tender-opportunities/tender-notice/pw-22-01007449




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October 18, 2022

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8801 E Saanich Rd, North Saanich, BC

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