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Published December 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Duluth, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Renovations to existing designated instructional spaces and main interior corridors to include prepping and repainting walls, new vinyl wall base, removal and replacement of existing suspended acoustical ceiling tile and grid, replacement of existing ceiling lighting fixtures with new LED lighting fixtures and removal and replacement of existing ceramic tile or VCT tile partial floor finish areas within instructional spaces with new ceramic tile or VCT tile floor finish for each referenced school facility. Included are labor, demolition, debris removal, and other scope of work as indicated in the Contract Documents. Sealed bids are requested by Gwinnett County Board of Education from General Contractors. Bids will be time and date stamped upon receipt at Gwinnett County Public Schools, Facilities and Operations Division. The exact time of receipt is determined by the date/time stamp. Bids received late will not be considered. All bids accepted must be in sealed envelopes marked with your company name and CHATTAHOOCHEE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RENOVATIONS. For mailing purposes, please address your bid to Gwinnett County Public Schools, Facilities and Operations Division, 53 Gwinnett Drive, Building "C", Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Attn: John Gramigna, Director of Facility Planning. Contractor's Qualification Statement" to be evaluated by the Owner and Architect along with the bid deposit prior to being issued plans and specifications. Bidders who do not submit the A305 Statement will be subject to disqualification. The A305 must show the General Contractor's ability to complete the Contract in a satisfactory manner on projects of similar scope and complexity. References from past clients and projects must be included and will be verified. The Owner will consider the A305 submittal and respond if the submittal is not accepted. Any bidder that is disqualified may respond to the Owner in writing within twenty (20) days of the Notice of Disqualification as to why the bidder feels that the disqualification is unfounded. The written appeal from the disqualified bidder will not change the decision already made on this project. However, a favorable appeal may open the way for the bidder in question to bid on future Gwinnett County Public School System projects. The Owner's decisions shall be deemed final. General Contractor's Qualification statements should be addressed to: CPL, 3011 Sutton Gate Drive, Suite 130, Suwanee, GA, 30024 Attn: Timothy W. Pulver, AIA. For Inquiries Regarding the Bid Documents: All communications concerning these documents must be submitted in writing to theCPL, either by email, facsimile, or U.S. mail. Email is the preferred method of communication. Email correspondence is to be directed to Timothy W. Pulver, AIA at tpulver@CPLteam.com, and Lori Brothers at lbrothers@CPLteam.com. Correspondence sent by U.S. mail is to be sent to: CPL 3011 Sutton Gate Drive, Suite 130 Suwanee, GA 30024 Attn: Timothy W. Pulver, AIA Lori Brothers. Only written inquiries received via email or U.S. mail by 3:00 PM on October 18, 2022, will be considered. Responses to all written inquiries will be issued via written Addenda. Only full sets of construction documents will be issued - NO partial sets. Bid documents will be shipped post-paid, as soon as possible. Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis stated in the Instructions to Bidders. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after bid opening. Bids MUST be accompanied by a bid bond made payable to the Gwinnett County Board of Education, in the amount equal to 5 percent of the bid price. (Certified Checks Not Acceptable.) The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond acceptable to the Gwinnett County Board of Education in an amount equal to 100 percent of the contract price and executed by a Surety Company licensed to do business in the State of Georgia and listed in the Department of the Treasury Circular 570, latest edition. The Surety Company shall have an A.M. Best Company minimum rating of "A" with a financial size of VI "6" or better. Bonds must be accompanied by letter stating bonding company's current rating for verification prior to acceptance by the Owner and execution of the formal Owner/Contractor agreement. Bonding of Subcontractors: Include in the Base Bid, Performance and Labor and Materials Payment Bonds, each in 100% of the subcontract sum, for each HVAC, Plumbing, Steel Erectiom, Roofing and Electrical Subcontractor, as required by the GeneralConditions. Contractor and Subcontractors shall require the Attorney-in-Fact who executes bonds on behalf of sureties to attach a certified, current copy of his Power of Attorney. Gwinnett County Board of Education reserves the right to award the project on whatever basis is in the interest of the Owner and to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities.




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2930 Albion Farm Way, Duluth, GA

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