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Published October 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a communication facility in Bourne, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS *SITE VISITS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED PRIOR TO PROVIDING A QUOTE. SEE CLAUSE 52.236-27 ALT I FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. *PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS TO JENNIFER M. SAMELA AT (978) 318-8324 or JENNIFER.M.SAMELA@USACE.ARMY.MIL. ANY INFORMATION RECEIVED AT THE SITE VISIT WHICH CONFLICTS WITH THIS SOLICITATION SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF JENNIFER M. SAMELA. THE SOLICITATION AND RESULTING CONTRACT SHALL BE THE GOVERNING DOCUMENT IN ALL CASES. **QUOTES CAN BE E-MAILED TO JENNIFER M. SAMELA AT JENNIFER.M.SAMELA@USACE.ARMY.MIL. NOTE 1: In accordance with FAR Part 28.102-1(b), the Contractor will be required to provide the following payment protections for all construction contracts greater than $150,000.00. (i) Payment Bond or (ii) Irrevocable Letter of Credit and (iii) Performance Bond A Payment Bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit is the SELECTED payment protection for the Government. The penal amount of bond shall be 100% of the original contract price. If the contract price increases, the Government will require an increase in the penal sum of the existing bond. This bond shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 10 days after receipt of award. A Performance Bond shall be required if the total price of the quote is greater than $150,000.00. The penal amount of the Performance Bond shall be 100% of the original contract price. If the contract price increases, the Government will require an increase in the penal sum of the existing bond. This bond shall also be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 10 days after receipt of award. NOTE 2: In accordance with FAR Part 28.102-1(c), the Contractor will be required to provide one of the following payment protections for all construction contracts greater than $35,000.00 but not greater than $150,000.00. (i) Payment bond or (ii) Irrevocable letter of credit A Payment Bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit is the SELECTED payment protection for the Government. The penal amount of bond shall be 100% of the original contract price. If the contract price increases, the Government will require an increase in the penal sum of the existing bond. This bond shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 10 days after receipt of award. **No Payment Protections Required for construction contracts less than $35,000** Site Visit A scheduled site visit for interested vendors will be listed in the Solicitation. Interested vendors should attend the site visit to confirm understanding of the scope, inspect field conditions, access roads, existing overhead power lines and existing utilities prior to bidding. W912WJ22Q0162 Page 6 of 70 No extra payment will be allowed for perceived additional work caused by unfamiliarity with site conditions and requirements. After contract award, the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) for questions and site coordination is Travis Germano (978) 318-8550 or (Travis.J.Germano@usace.army.mil) *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Site Work

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