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Published December 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Franklin Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Pre-Cast T-Walls Stone Storage Contract Specs for Precast T walls Stone Storage. Keystone Concrete Products or Equivalent to and pre-approved 12'6" high SOLID walls. The structure shall measure 44' back wall X 36' Deep divided into two 20 ft wide bays ending on right side with TT panel with 4 ft sticking out to the right for future bays. The base of the panel must be 6' wide and a full 6" thick level footer. The wall needs to be an interlocking tongue and grove system with the last 10" at the top that is solid. %" stainless steel female inserts placed in pre-cast walls. Each joint must be angled at a 45-degree angle. Once the panels are set all joints must be sealed on the inside, across the top and down the outside to the end of the toes. Sealant must be Vulkem 116 (Lime stone color) or equal. The precast walls are to be made of a Type I- blended cement with a concrete unit weight of 150 pcf a 6% (+/-1 1/2 %) air entrainment mix with a water/ cement ration of.47 is required, the compressive strength of concrete must meet minimum 28 day strength of 5,000 PSI. The wall sections must be reinforced throughout with deformed bar meeting or exceeding ASTM-A615 requirements and 60,000 PSI. Grade 60 rebar. Plant must be accepted by the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA), Concrete shall be a minimum of 5000 PSI concrete. All concrete shall also have Force 10,000 additive placed in concrete to help fight corrosion. Please Itemize additional cost. Performance bond and payment bond in the amount of 10% of contract, as well as proof of worker's compensation insurance will be required from the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals must be upon the forms furnished by the Municipality. The Municipality reserves the right to reject and or all proposals. Pennsylvania Prevailing Wages Apply.




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To Be Determined, Franklin Township, PA

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