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Published November 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

The cost estimate is: $500,000 - $999,999 This work provides for the superstructure replacement, approach roadway work, and temporary bridge work for the existing single-span non-composite prestressed adjacent box beam structure. The structure carries Booker Street over Pucketa Creek and connects Plum Borough (Allegheny County) to the west and Upper Burrell Township (Westmoreland County) to the east. The existing bridge has a center-to-center bearing length of 43'-6" (45'-0" total length), a skew of 90 0' 0" at both abutments, measures 28'-3" out-to-out (22'-6 1/2" curb-to-curb) and carries two lanes of bi-directional traffic. A 3" bituminous wearing surface is present on top of the box beams. The existing bridge railing consists of concrete curbs with 3'-0" high steel railings mounted to the curbs and fascia beams. A 4'-0" wide raised sidewalk is present along on the right side. The existing superstructure consists of seven 48" x 21 " prestressed concrete adjacent box beams. The substructure consists of two reinforced concrete gravity abutments. The simple span replacement structure consists ofseven new 48" x 17" prestressed concrete adjacent box beams with a new 5 A" minimum thickness reinforced concrete composite deck and concrete barriers. The proposed cross section will have a 26'-6" curb to curb and a 28'-6" out-to-out consisting of two 9'-0" lanes, a 2'-0" left shoulder with a 1 ft wide by 2'- 8" high vertical face concrete barrier, and a 6'-6" right shoulder with a 1 ft wide by 3'-6" high vertical face concrete barrier. The existing beam seats will be demolished and rebuilt to maintain the low chord values of the existing bridge. The existing neoprene bearing pads will be replaced with new elastomeric bearing pads meeting cun-ent design standards. The reinforced concrete substructure will remain in place except for portions of the bridge seats and wingwall tops, which will be reconstructed to accommodate the new beams and barriers. The wingwalls consisting of reinforced concrete crib-wails adjacent to the abutment stems will remain in place. The widened right shoulder will not feature a raised sidewalk but will utilize pedestrian-friendly features including special striping adjacent to the vehicle lane and the same TL-5 barrier typically used on raised sidewalks. The proposed bridge profile sets within a crest vertical curve and is aligned horizontally on tangent. For the replacement structure, work includes bridge seat and partial wingwall reconstruction at both abutments, placement of a new prestressed composite adjacent box beam superstructure (including deck and barriers), proper disposal of portions of the existing abutments, and proper disposal ofthe existing prestressed adjacent box beam superstructure. For the temporary bridge structure, work consists of procurement, design, construction and demolition of a modular open-panel temporary bridge. For the replacement structure, this work also includes full depth bituminous pavement reconstruction and associated approach roadway work, including but not limited to placement of updated guide rail, maintenance and protection of traffic during construction, new signing and pavement markings, and erosion and sediment pollution control measures within the project limits as indicated on the drawings. These work items are also applicable to the temporary bridge and temporary bridge approach roadways where applicable. Traffic control measures consisting of lane shifts for Greensburg Road (SR 0366) from Sta. 5+83 to 13+70, will be required to perform approach roadway tie-in work along the shoulder of Greensburg Road during the superstructure replacement project. A modular open-panel temporary bridge will be constructed just upstream of Pucketa Creek Bridge No. 5, which will maintain access to SR 0366 for residents of the neighborhood located east of the bridge. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: The County requires prequalification of bidders, including subcontractors, as specified in Section 102.01 of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Publication 408, 2020 Edition, Change No, 4, Effective April 1, 2022 on this project. Bid Security - certified check or surety company bond on County's form to the order of/or running to the County of Allegheny in the amount of five (5%) percent of the Bid as evidence that you, the Bidder, will accept and carry out the conditions of the Contract in case of award. The County will accept only bonds written by Surety Companies acceptable on Federal Bonds per the current Federal Register Circular 570. Federal Register Circular 570 is available for inspection in the Contract Office, Room 504, County Office Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. For technical questions, contact Brian Lichwala, Project Manager, at 412-350-2480. For contract related questions, contact Charles Gurtler, Contract Manager, at 412-350-2325. Project completion is to occur by October 31, 2023. The County of Allegheny County hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises / women business enterprises [MBE/WBE] will be afforded the full opportunity to submit bids on the grounds of race, sex, color or national origin in consideration for an award. It is a condition of the bidding process/contract that all responsive bidders/contractors shall follow the minority business enterprises/women's business enterprises [MBE/WBE] procedures set forth in the project manual/contract documents.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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Superstructure Replacement Of Pucketa Creek Bridge No. 5 Within Plum Borough and Upper Burrell Township

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