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Published November 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a parking garage in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Working plans call for the construction of a parking garage; and for site work for a parking garage.

Maintenance Garage. The project involves all labor and materials necessary for the construction of a new maintenance garage which includes, but is not limited to: Furnish and install new Post Frame Building System to be used as a Maintenance Garage for the Town of Egremont. This includes, but is not limited to: wood frame and trusses, metal roofing and siding, three overhead doors, two personnel doors, one sliding window, concrete filled steel bollards, and all other appurtenances described in the detailed Contract Documents and Building Specifications. Contractor Qualification DCAMM Certificate ** General Bid Deadline 11/2/22 Time 2:00 P.M. 1. Installation of Hay Bales and Silt Fence for Erosion Control. 2. Site Clearing. 3. Excavation and site preparation for placement of footings, frost walls and slab-ongrade. 4. Placement of cast-in-place concrete footings, frost walls and slab-on-grade, including sleeves for underground plumbing, sewer, electrical and communication lines. 5. Backfilling foundation and re-grading the site to meet the new contours shown on the plans. 6. Furnish and install anchor bolts for the building. 7. Furnish and install new Post Frame Building System to be used as a Maintenance Garage for the Town of Egremont. This includes but is not limited to Wood frame and trusses, metal roofing and siding, three overhead doors, two personnel doors, one sliding window, concrete filled steel bollards, and all other appurtenances described under Section 13 33 01 - Post Frame Building System. 8. Loam and seed around building after construction operations are substantially complete. 9. Provide services of plumbing contractor to furnish and install equipment, materials and labor for the following: a. Connection of potable water from the adjacent well or highway garage. b. Connection of building sewer line to the existing adjacent on site soil absorption system. c. Rough in plumbing through the slab and foundation walls. d. Furnish and Install vent pipe through the roof of the new building. e. Furnish and install all plumbing fixtures and equipment. f. Furnish and install electric hot water heater. 10. Provide the services of an electrical contractor to furnish and install equipment, materials and labor for the following: a. Furnish and install service entrance and connection of 200 amp electrical service, including distribution panel. b. Furnish and install all conduit, junction boxes, fittings, and wiring. c. Furnish and install all switches and receptacles. d. Furnish, install, and provide power to all lighting fixtures. e. Furnish, install, and provide power to exhaust fan. f. Provide power to three overhead garage doors. g. Furnish, install, and provide power to electric unit heater, baseboard heaters in office and bathroom and instantaneous hot water heater in bathroom. h. Furnish and install emergency lighting and emergency exit signage. i. Furnish and install smoke, carbon monoxide, CO2 detectors, and associated alarm panels. 11. Provide all labor, material tools and equipment for the interior build-out of office and bathroom, including framing, sheet rock partitions, interior doors and frames, and door hardware. Paint these walls when the build-out is complete. 12. Final Clean-up.

Final Planning

Parking Garage


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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November 9, 2022

December 2, 2022


171 Egremont Plain Rd, Great Barrington, MA

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