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Published October 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Needham, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Project was awarded to Sports Turf Specialties, Inc. with awarded amount of $17,189.65 Memorial Park Baseball Diamond Renovation - The Town of Needham (hereinafter referred to as the "Town"), acting through its Town Manager, invites highly qualified bidders to submit sealed bids to perform all labor necessary for the Memorial Park Baseball Diamond Renovation project. This project involves edging, weeding, mixing and grading infield soil, widening baselines, rebuilding the pitcher's mound and homeplate area, grooming the infield grass, and other related field renovation tasks. 1. Edge grass and remove weeds from the entire diamond playing surface and perimeter of field. All grass, weeds and debris will be transported to an off-site location, at the Contractor's expense. 2. Remove 8' of sod off the back arc of the infield. Once removed, soil will be tilled using a Blecavator soil processor to the depth of 6". This process will break up compaction and organics to allow for a healthier environment. 3. Rough grade existing soil before capping with 1" of sandy loam. Once loam is installed, entireremediation area will be laser graded to +/- 1/4" and all edges will be raked in preparation for sodding. 4. Roll entire infield and perimeter of clay with 2-ton roller. This process is used to minimize the lips on the grass edges. 5. All Survey and Layout will be done by the Contractor. Home plate, bases and pitching rubber will be reset to their proper elevation and locations. 6. Rebuild pitchers' mound to proper slope and elevation, per specifications. Dura Pitch Pro Clay will be used on platform and landing areas. Anticipate using at minimum, 20 50lb. bags of material. 7. Till existing infield clay to the depth of 3" using a Blecavator soil processor. 8. Install 22 tons of Dura Edge Recreation blend to the entire remediation area. 9. Final grading will be done using a fully automated laser grader to within 1/4 " of final proposed grades. 10.Scarify and groom infield for game preparation. 11.Sod 2,500 square feet along the transition between the infield clay and outfield grass. 12.Apex bluegrass sod to be used. Proof and origin of sod material will need to be accepted by the owner prior to installation. 13.Repair and reset any irrigation heads that were affected and or damaged by this work. Field testing prior to completion and payment of work performed. It is anticipated that work will commence upon execution , substantially complete by November 18, 2022 and will be complete by November 30, 2022.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 6, 2022

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92 Rosemary St, Needham, MA

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