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Published September 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chesapeake, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

I. PURPOSE: A. The City of Chesapeake is soliciting bids from qualified bidders to establish an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contract to furnish qualified/sanitary sewage pump out. All work is to be undertaken only in response to specific request(s) from the City. B. The City reserves the right at any time during the progress of the work to make adjustments that may include adding locations, if needed, pertaining to requested work, work quantities, and work areas, as may be found to be necessary or desirable. II. SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies and incidentals necessary to provide maintenance and sewage pump out of holding tanks, dump stations and septic fields and drain lines at the below listed City of Chesapeake locations. Northwest River Park 1733 Indian Creek Rd. Chesapeake, VA. Dismal Swamp Canal Trail 1200 Dismal Swamp Canal Trail Chesapeake, VA Douglas Road Restroom 1300 Dismal Swamp Canal Trail Chesapeake, VA The City reserves the right to add locations and sites as needed. Pricing will be obtained, and the site will be added to the contract per the contract change order clause included in the Special Terms and Conditions of this solicitation. Contractor shall include in bid response, a detailed statement of qualifications giving evidence of his experience, past performance, and staffing to carry out the terms of this contract for sewage pump out. A. Work and Materials Required: 1. Must dump at an approved facility and show proof when requested 2. Must be able to pump multiple 1000 gallon holding tanks within 24-hour time period 3. Must properly clean up any spillage on park property 4. Must be able to give breakdown of sewage matter (% solids/liquids) when requested 5. Must be able to respond to electronic monitoring systems 6. Must be able to pump drains or backups if requested 7. Must provide rates for weekday and weekend/after-hours calls. a) The Contractor shall have under its employment sufficient staff and equipment to provide routine maintenance and emergency services within the timeframes contained within this agreement. b) The City will not be responsible for any additional rental and lease charges for equipment not owned by the Contractor, but that may be necessary for normal and routine jobs and repairs. c) The Contractor shall comply with all applicable OSHA guidelines to protect its employees, PR&T employees, City and school employees and the general public. B. Clean-Up and Restoration of Damage: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for complete clean up and removal of all spillages located at the work sites. 2. All debris shall be removed from the sites and disposed of by the Contractor. Burning of refuse on the sites is prohibited. 4 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage done to the buildings, grounds, fields, turf, specialized athletic turf, athletic field warning tracks, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, entryways, and other City property inside or outside of the buildings which is caused by the performance of the work under this contract, regardless of whether such work was performed negligently. The Contractor shall repair all such damage and return the damaged property to its pre-existing condition and to the sole satisfaction of the City of Chesapeake with no expense to the City. C. Time for Completion: 1. Contractor must be able to respond to pump out calls within a 4-hour time frame from time of call. Contractor must be able to respond to calls 24 hours per day. D. Phone and Email Requirements: 1. The Contractor shall have an operable phone and email address throughout the term of the contract. The contractor shall designate a responsible individual with the company to respond to phone calls after normal business hours in order that urgent work requests may be promptly addressed. The Contractor shall also maintain an operable email address throughout the term of the contract by which to receive written work orders and other vital correspondences related to the administration of this contract. 2. When working on a school, park, City, or community center grounds, the contractor shall have a company ID. They shall also register at the main office of the building, if working inside, to let city employees know the contractor is performing maintenance work in the building. III. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Two (2) years from the date of execution with three (3), one (1) year renewal options upon the mutual written agreement of the parties. ALL INQUIRIES FOR INFORMATION SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO JOHN D. CLANTON, PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST I, PHONE: (757) 382-6359, FAX: (757) 382- 6900. All questions must be submitted via email to jclanton@cityofchesapeake.net before 5:00 p.m., September 27, 2022.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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