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Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Charleston, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility; for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Sanitary Sewage Holding Tank Mountain View Correctional Facility, Charleston, Maine Work Under This Project Includes, but is Not Limited to, All Labor, Materials, Equipment, and Incidentals for the Construction of the Sanitary Sewage Holding Tank Including General Conditions and Mobilization, Temporary Construction Facilities, Demolition, Existing Manhole and Pipe Removal, and Site Clearing; Test Pits, Excavation, Trench Excavation, Ledge Excavation and Removal; Earthwork, Backfill, Aggregates, Stone and Compaction;site Pavement, Rip Rap, Site Restoration, Sedimentation and Erosion Control; Loam and Seed; Utilities Including Sewerage, Drainage, Water Distribution and Underdrain Work; Manholes and Catchbasins; Slabs, Hatches, Cast-in-place Concrete; Wood Framed Structures; Structural Steel, Metals, Gratings, Railings and Bollards; Rough and Finish Carpentry, Trusses, Damp Proofing and Insulation; Roofing and Siding; Steel Doors and Hardware; Painting, and All Equipment Including Mixers, Sewage Pumps, Prefabricated Truck Filling Hut; Electric Drive Channel Grinders; Aeration Blowers and Enclosures, Coarse Bubble Diffusers, Pump Station Communication, Process Piping, Gates, and Valves; Expansion Joints, Pipe Hangers and Supports; Plumbing, Heating, and Ventilation; Electrical Wiring, Conduit, Controls, Alarm and Instrumentation Systems; and All Incidentals as Required for Complete Working System. The Bid Shall Be Submitted on the Contractor Bid Form (Section 00 41 13) Provided in the Bid Documents. The Owner Reserves the Right to Accept or Reject Any or All Bids as May Best Serve the Interest of the Owner. 3. Bid Security is Required on This Project. If Noted Above as Required, the Bidder Shall Include a Satisfactory Bid Bond (Section 00 43 13) or a Certified or Cashier's Check for 5% of the Bid Amount With the Completed Bid Form Submitted to the Owner. The Bid Bond Form is Available on the Bgs Website. 4. Performance and Payment Bonds Are Required on This Project. If Noted Above as Required, or if Any Combination of Base Bid and Alternate Bids Amounts Selected in the Award of the Contract Exceeds $125,000.00, the Selected Contractor Shall Furnish a 100% Contract Performance Bond (Section 00 61 13.13) and a 100% Contract Payment Bond (Section 00 61 13.16) in the Contract Amount to Cover the Execution of the Work. Bond Forms Are Available on the Bgs Website. Filed Sub-bids Are Not Required on This Project. There Are No Pre-qualified General Contractors on This Project. If Pre-qualified General Contractors Are Identified for This Project, the Name of Each Company, With Their City and State, Are Listed Below. The cost ofthe work is approximately $ 2,300,000. The work to be performed under this contract shall be completed on or before the Final Completion date of 31 January 2024. Provide one (1) Muffin Monster or equal (Disposable Waste Systems, Inc.) headworks sewage grinder, electric drive with local/remote controls. Provide all equipment, controls, and accessories as required for a complete and folly operational system


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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1182 Dover Rd, Charleston, ME

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