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Published September 22, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Background In compliance with 2 CFR 200, the District is soliciting qualification statement proposals for general wastewater engineering services related to projects which may be funded with local, state, and/or federal sources. The selected fi rm will work on a variety of projects related to wastewater treatment, collection, conveyance including climate or fl ood adaptation measures for wastewater infrastructure as needed and directed by the District. This will not be an exclusive contract; the District reserves the right enter into agreements with other consultants if considered to be in the best interest of the District. Assignments under this contract could have duration periods of a few days to multi-year assignments depending on the services requested by the District and needs of a specifi c project. Scope of Work The successful firm will be able to provide engineering services including but not limited to the following: Engineering of wastewater treatment, collection, conveyance, as well as flood or climate adaptation and mitigation projects for wastewater infrastructure including the conceptual, preliminary design, permitting, construction cost estimating, bidding, bid award and construction support services. Services relating to identifi cation, development, and preparation of federal, state, local, and private grant applications to fund work, and then implemented work funded under those grants, including grants originating with, but not limited to, the Maine Department of Transportations Infrastructure Adaptation Fund, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Maine Emergency Management agency (MEMA). Engineering peer review of plans and documents prepared under contract to either the District, or other parties, for various public infrastructure improvement projects. Condition Assessment, Planning, Design, Permitting, and Estimating Probable Construction Costs; Bid Document Preparation, Bidding Assistance, Construction Management, Oversight and Inspection (either full-time or part-time as necessary); As-built and Operation and Maintenance Plan Preparation for various public infrastructure improvement projects. Services to investigate and quantify existing conditions of various public infrastructure, including the preparation of engineering surveys or record plans and preparation of reports to summarize investigations. Engineering peer review of plans and documents for private site developments and/or subdivisions, including offsite improvements in connection with private site developments and/ or subdivisions. Required Submittal Proposals shall include the following and shall be organized using each of the below elements as section headings: Firm Description: Provide a brief description of the fi rm including firm size and area of specialization, location of nearby offi ce(s) proposed to handle District projects. Experience: Provide project information on key wastewater, climate and flood adaptation projects in Maine or New Hampshire. Project Team: Provide names and resumes of key professionals who would be working closely with the District. Each team members education and experience shall be listed. The primary contact shall be clearly identifi ed, and a description of their relevant previous projects listed. A list of past relevant projects, which proposed staff have played a central role in developing, shall also be provided. Five (5) project references, including client contact name, email and phone number. Proposals are limited to ten (10) pages single sided, not including resumes, section dividers and cover letter. Proposals shall not include any mention of price. A PDF of the full submittal package shall be submitted. Selection Process The District will evaluate each proposal individually and in the context of all other proposals. Proposals must be fully responsive to the requirements described in the RFQ, and to any subsequent requests for clarifi cation or additional information made by the District. Proposals must comply with and are subject to all provisions of applicable federal, state, and local laws. Proposals failing to comply with the submission requirements or those unresponsive to any part of this solicitation may be disqualifi ed. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following and their relative importance: Responsiveness to submission requirements (10 pts.) Firms experience on wastewater, climate or flood adaptation projects (25 pts.) Qualifi cations of fi rm and key team members who will be in close communication with the District (25 pts.) Familiarity with Boothbay Harbor Sewer District and/or fi rm experience with facilities of similar size and complexity (30 pts.) References (10 pts.) The District, at its discretion, may select a fi rm outright or select a fi nalist(s) for in-person and/or telephone interviews. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technical or legal defi ciencies, and to accept any proposal that it may deem to be in the best interest of the District. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 17, 2023


Multiple Locations, Boothbay Harbor, ME

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