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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Libertyville, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

To bid on this project, suppliers are required to obtain an approved LCDOT "Authorization to Bid". This work consists of supplying bituminous patching mixture (group II); hot-mix asphalt binder and surface materials; aggregate surface course material; limestone screenings; and trench backfill to be loaded into LCDOT trucks at the supplier's location. The work also includes supplying and delivering various sign materials - posts, reflective sheeting, and sign bases; preformed plastic pavement markings and pavement marking tape; for the Lake County Division of Transportation, 2023 Patrol I Maintenance contract. QUANTITY UNIT MAJOR BID ITEM PRICE BID PER TON ONLY BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE (GROUP II) PRICE BID PER TON ONLY HOT-MIX ASPHALT (BINDER AND SURFACE) (N50 AND N70) PRICE BID PER TON ONLY AGGREGATE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE A PRICE BID PER TON ONLY LIMESTONE SCREENINGS PRICE BID PER TON ONLY TRENCH BACKFILL 1,000.0 EACH DELINEATOR POSTS (7' U-SHAPED GALVANIZED STEEL) 2,600.0 EACH 2" X 2" SIGN SUPPORT POSTS (9', 10', 11' & 12') 2,000.0 EACH 2 1/4 " X 2 1/4 " X 41" SIGN SUPPORT POSTS 301.0 ROLLS SIGN MATERIAL SHEETING (VARIOUS WIDTHS & LENGTHS) 5,217.0 EACH SIGN BLANKS (VARIOUS SIZES, SHAPES AND THICKNESS) 60,000.0 GALLONS LIQUID CALCIUM & MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE DEICER/ANTI-ICER Bidders must obtain an Authorization to Bid prior to the letting. To receive authorization, bidders shall submit the request through the project web page. After registering for the project Bidders can submit their request for Authorization to Bid by selecting the green Request Authorization button. The Bidders information is prepopulated from the registration. For projects requiring IDOT prequalification a copy of the Bidders prequalification form will be attached. To submit select the green Submit button. This will generate an e-mail to LCDOT requesting the authorization. Upon approval/disapproval by LCDOT an e-mail will be sent to the Bidder with the decision. Proposals from bidders that have not received authorization to bid will not be opened and read. LCDOT does not accept electronic bid proposals. Do not use the Submittals option at the bottom of the project Info web page. This section is not active for LCDOT construction projects. Bid proposals may be submitted via mail (US Postal Service) and/or delivery service e.g. FedEx, UPS etc. Due to COVID there is limited access to the LCDOT offices. Some of the DOT office personnel are working remotely and the front desk is not always staffed. Contractors shall not send their bids in with a request for signature upon delivery as no one may be available to sign for the bid thereby delaying delivery. Alternatively, bid proposals may be hand delivered to LCDOT at 600 W. Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048, and placed in the Drop Box located in the window panel to the left of the front door. It is the Contractor's responsibility to get the Bid/Proposal to LCDOT prior to the submission date and time. LCDOT is not responsible for any delays in delivery due to office staffing and/or requests for delivery receipts. A 5% security deposit or bid bond must accompany the bid. The successful bidder must furnish a satisfactory performance bond and a payment bond each in the full amount of the bid. The Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILCS 130), as amended, shall apply to all contracts entered into pursuant to this advertisement. Lake County, in accordance with laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that all contracts entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on grounds of race, color or national origin.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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