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Published September 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; and for the construction of a bridge / tunnel.

The purpose of the project is to provide safe, efficient, and effective crossings of I-80 over North Fork Redbank Creek and Water Plant Road that appropriately accommodate interstate traffic with respect to connectivity, mobility, loading and geometry. The main spans of the existing bridges are steel two-girder systems with floor beams and stringers; the bridges are fracture critical since many components of the bridges are nonredundant. Both bridges have problematic fatigue details which have received multiple retrofits during the service lives of the structures. The eastbound bridge is in poor condition and the westbound bridge is in fair condition; inspections are required on a 6-month and 1-year basis, respectively. The existing bridges are separated by approximately 1,100 feet, with the Walter Dick Memorial Park located between and below the two bridges. Both bridges are reaching the end of their serviceable lifespan. This section of I-80 has a posted speed limit of 70 miles per hour (mph) and has horizontal and vertical geometry that does not meet 70 mph design criteria. Many crashes, nearly twice the statewide average, have occurred on this segment of I-80 due to a substandard curve on the western approach to the Eastbound bridge. In addition to the replacement of the I-80 North Fork Bridges, this project will include the replacement of the I-80 Eastbound and Westbound bridges over State Route 4003 (Jenks Street), as well as the replacement of the State Route 4005 (Richardsville Road) bridges over I-80. The project will also include the extension of the North Fork Park Culvert, which carries I-80 traffic over the tributary to North Fork Redbank Creek. As of September 23, 2022, the owner entered into a pre-development agreement with Bridging Pennsylvania Partners (BPP) which is comprised of the below firms: Macquarie Infrastructure Developments LLC Shikun & Binui Concessions USA Inc; STV Incorporated FCC Construccion, S.A. Shikun & Binui – America, Inc. SAI Consulting Engineers, Inc. Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc. Joseph B. Fay Company H&K Group Inc. *All information on this project can be obtained from https://www.penndot.pa.gov/RegionalOffices/district-10/ConstructionsProjectsAndRoadwork/Pages/I-80-North-Fork.aspx


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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April 7, 2025


I-80 North, Reynoldsville, PA

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I-80 North Fork Bridges Project - Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

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