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Published October 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lucky Lake, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Supply, Production and Stockpiling of Aggregate in the Vicinity of Lucky Lake, Outlook, Watrous, Dundurn, Aberdeen, Hepburn, Elrose, Rosetown, Kerrobert, Wilkie, Macklin, North Battleford, Hafford, Marsden, and Glaslyn; for a Total of 29 Stockpiles. Deposit with each Tender - 5% of total bid. Deputy Minister of Highways Base Aggregate In Place In The Stockpile, Contractor Supply: 10 000 t Seal Coat Aggregate Type 117 In Place In The Stockpile, Contractor Supply: 50 500 t Traffic Gravel Type 109 In Place In The Stockpile, Contractor Supply: 6 000 t 2.1.1 The Specified Substantial Completion Date is February 28, 2023 2.1.3 Daily Liquidated Damages will be $500.00. 2.1.4 The lump sum Liquidated Damages will be $20,000.00. The Engineer may cancel any work not completed by March 31, 2023 from this Contract. If work is cancelled for this reason: 3.1.1 Claims will not be considered by the Ministry for cancellation of such work. 3.1.2 The lump sum liquidated damages will be applied. The consumption rate shall be applied to haul to the roadway of aggregates and other Contract Items that are required to complete the Work. Only haul on the following aggregates and Contract Items shall be considered in the diesel fuel adjustment: Granular base course Seal coat aggregate Traffic gravel Total haul shall be based on the quantity (in tonnes) for each material as determined by the Engineer, multiplied by the haul distance to the midpoint of the Project from the location it is loaded and hauled from, except where otherwise specified in these Special Provisions. For aggregates that are required to be loaded and hauled to a stockpile site not located at the aggregate source where the material originated, the haul distance for the stockpiled aggregates shall be calculated from the nearest entrance to the aggregate source, to the entrance to the stockpile site or aggregate source where the stockpile will be located. Moving materials within an aggregate source, moving material at the stockpile site(s), and moving materials from an interim stockpile site to an alternate mixing plant site or pugmill location shall be excluded from the total haul calculation. Bidders shall submit all inquiries pertaining to the Bid Package documents a minimum of 3 business days prior to close of bidding directed to: Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement Single Procurement Service RFXquestions@gov.sk.ca Bidders may request a debriefing session from Single Procurement Service by emailing spsconstruction@gov.sk.ca within 30 days after the award notification date. The intention of the debriefing is to aid the Bidder by identifying areas of improvement that may be applied to subsequent procurement opportunities.


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 7, 2022

November 7, 2022


Multiple Locations, Lucky Lake, SK

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