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Published October 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a fire / police facility in Rocklin, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.
Written questions regarding this Invitation for Bids should be directed to by email at no later than 3:00pm on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 . All emails shall require verification of receipt by sender in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Failure of the Bidder to be registered at the time of bidding shall render the Bid non-responsive and unavailable for award. A Subcontractor who is unregistered will not be permitted to work on the Project. If any Subcontractor required to be listed in the Bid is unregistered, that Subcontractor will be required to be substituted with a registered Subcontractor at no additional cost to the City and/or the listing of an unregistered Subcontractor may render the bid nonresponsive. Bidders shall provide the registration numbers for all listed Subcontractors within 24 hours of bid opening and registration numbers of all Subcontractors who are not required to be listed not later than 24 hours before they are to start work on the Project. City affirmatively identifies this project as a public work as that term is defined by Labor Code Section 1720, and the project is, therefore, subject to prevailing wages under Labor Code Section 1771. Contractor and its Subcontractors shall fully comply with all the provisions of the California Labor Code governing the performance of public works contracts including, but not limited to, payment of prevailing wages, limitations on time worked, compliance with apprentice requirements, maintenance of payroll records, posting of wages at the job site and prohibitions against discrimination. Copies of such prevailing rate of per diem wages are available upon request at the office of the City Clerk at 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677. Attendance at the entire pre-bid meeting and project walk-through, if scheduled, is mandatory for bidding. Bids received from Bidders who did not sign the sign-in sheet and attend the meeting and project walk-through will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Attendance by Subcontractors is not mandatory, but all interested prospective Subcontractors are encouraged to attend. The City will transmit Addenda to all prospective Bidders who have purchased full sets of Contract Documents, as the City considers necessary in response to questions raised at the meeting and walk-through. Addenda also will be posted on the City website. Oral statements not confirmed by Addenda may not be relied upon and are not binding or legally effective. Except for mandatory walk-through, no other access to the project site will be granted pre-bid without the City prior approval, which will require advanced notice and a scheduled appointment. During all site visits the Bidder must be accompanied full time by an authorized representative of the City. No exceptions to this requirement.Attendance at the entire pre-bid meeting and project walk-through, if scheduled, is mandatory for bidding. Bids received from Bidders who did not sign the sign-in sheet and attend the meeting and project walk-through will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Attendance by Subcontractors is not mandatory, but all interested prospective Subcontractors are encouraged to attend. The City will transmit Addenda to all prospective Bidders who have purchased full sets of Contract Documents, as the City considers necessary in response to questions raised at the meeting and walk-through. Addenda also will be posted on the Citys website. Oral statements not confirmed by Addenda may not be relied upon and are not binding or legally effective. Except for mandatory walk-through, no other access to the project site will be granted pre-bid without the Citys prior approval, which will require advanced notice and a scheduled appointment. During all site visits the Bidder must be accompanied full time by an authorized representative of the City. No exceptions to this requirement. Bidders shall develop and submit Bids at their own expense. The City will not reimburse any costs associated with the development and submittal of any and all Bids. Each Bid must be submitted on the Bid Forms provided in the Contract Documents. The Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and received by the City Clerk no later than the time and date prescribed. The clock located in the City Clerks office is considered the official local time. Bid submissions received after the designated time will not be opened and will be returned to the Bidder unopened. Telephones will not be available to Bidders at the Citys offices for the preparation of Bids. Each Bid must also be accompanied by security in the form of a Bidders Bond issued by a corporate surety, a certified check, or cashiers check payable to the City of Rocklin, or cash. The amount of the bid security must be not less than ten percent (10%) of the Total Bid Price consisting of the total base bid plus the total additive bid alternates. The successful Bidder shall be required to execute a Material and Labor Payment Bond and Performance Bond, issued by a corporate surety, in conformance with the requirements set forth in the Contract Documents, each for not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. Unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions, if an alternate or alternates are identified by the City to the bidders, award will be based on any combination of Base Bid and Alternates as determined by the City. This process is conducted by the City in a blind selection format, i.e., without knowledge of the identity of any of the Bidders before ranking of all Bidders from lowest to highest has been determined. Bidders are to submit their Bid in two sealed envelopes, both containing all identifying information for the Project, and both of which are then to be included in a third sealed envelope containing all identifying information for the Project but without any identifying information regarding the Bidder. The first envelope shall be marked Envelope 1 and shall contain only an unsigned copy of the bidder's bid form, without any identifying information for the bidder and without any other required bid submissions. The second envelope shall be marked Envelope 2 and shall contain a complete copy of all required bid documents, including a signed copy of the bid form. Any discrepancies in the pricing information in the two sealed envelopes may render the bid nonresponsive. Alternates may be selected for award by the City at its discretion. All awards will be made in the Citys best interest. If the lowest responsive, responsible bidder fails or refuses to execute any Contract for the Project, the City may, in its discretion, award the Contract to the second lowest, responsive responsible bidder. If the second lowest responsible, responsible bidder fails or refuses to execute any Contract for the Project, the City may, in its discretion, award that and all other Contracts for the Project to the third lowest, responsive responsible bidder. Any Bidder to whom any Contract for the Project is awarded who fails to execute the Contract and file acceptable bonds and insurance certificates as required in the Contract Documents will have its Bid Guarantee forfeited. Pursuant to California Public Contracts Code, any contract awarded pursuant to this Notice to Contractors shall obtain a provision permitting, at the Contractors sole expense, the substitution of securities for any moneys withheld to ensure performance under the Contract. The terms of such provisions shall be according to the requirements of the Public Contracts Code Section 22300. No Bid received and read aloud may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening date, except pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 5101 et seq. The City reserves the right to award the Contract, to reject any or all Bids, to waive non-material and inconsequential irregularities in any Bid, and to reject nonconforming, nonresponsive, nonresponsible, or conditional Bids.
Fire / Police
Public - City
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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