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Published November 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and asbestos abatement for a mixed-use development in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Completed plans call for the demolition of a one-story above grade residential development; for site work for a residential development; for asbestos abatement for a residential development; 1-square-foot pre-engineered storage facility; pre-engineered storage facility; and pre-engineered storage facility.

The work includes demolition, in accordance with SUDAS Division 10, of the structures associated with the below parcels located in Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501: A. Parcel 0624204001 (910 Amvets Drive) -768 square foot single story residence constructed in 1950 with an attached 576 square foot garage also constructed in 1950. There is a basement associated with the residence. Both structures have shingled, gable roofs. B. Parcel 0624204002 (906 Amvets Drive) - 1,620 square foot single store metal frame shop constructed in 1979 with a metal, gable roof. There is no basement associated with this building. C. Parcel 0624226001 (135 9th Street NW) - 3,520 square foot single story concrete (8" reinforced) walled warehouse constructed in 1955 with an attached 1,080 square foot single story metal frame warehouse also constructed in 1955. Both structures have metal, gable roofs. There are no basements associated with these buildings. D. Parcel 0624226002 (816 2nd Avenue NW) - 1,440 square foot single story concrete block or tile (8) walled warehouse constructed in 1954. The roof is a built-up, flat roof. There is no basement associated with this building. E. Parcel 0624226003 (817 3rd Avenue NW) - No existing building. F. Parcel 0624226004 (805 3rd Avenue NW) - 812 square foot single story residence constructed circa 1900 which includes a 180 square foot one story addition and a 60 square foot one story addition. A 240 square foot detached garage was constructed in 1910. There is a 572 square foot basement associated with the residence. The residence has a shingled, hip roof while the detached garage has a shingled, gable roof. G. Parcel 0624226005 (212 8th Street NW) - 960 square foot single story concrete block or tile (8") walled shop constructed in 1950 with a metal, gable roof. There is no basement associated with this building. H. Parcel 0624227001 (No address) - No existing building. I. Parcel 0624227002 (No address) - No existing building. J. Parcel 0624227003 (723 3rd Avenue NW) - 624 square foot single story residence constructed in 1940 with a 48 square foot single story enclosed porch. There is a basement associated with the residence which has a shingled, gable roof. K. Parcel 0624227004 (719 3rd Avenue NW) - 1,080 square foot single tory residence constructed in 1980 with a shingled, gable roof. There is no basement associated with this building. L. Parcel 0624227005 (713 3rd Avenue NW) - 1,157 square foot one story residence with a1/2 finished attic constructed in 1940 which includes a 345 square foot one story addition and a 180 square foot one story addition. A 672 square foot detached garage was constructed in 1997. There is a 648 square foot basement associated with the residence. The residence has a shingled, cross gable roof and the garage has a shingled, gable roof. The residence and garage both were damaged by fire. Demolition includes removal of foundation footings, basement slabs, and any crawl spaces or tunnels. The work includes removal and disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs), hazardous and non-hazardous materials, and designated structures on the property. Specifications for asbestos removal includes both friable and non-friable ACMs. All ACMs removed from the Property must be disposed of at a permitted facility that accepts asbestos. All materials removed from the property shall be done in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. The work also includes backfilling of all existing basements, disconnection of utilities, removal of fencing and debris, removal of trees as indicated, and other requirements per SUDAS associated with the demolition and rough site grading. Est. Value: $ 199,600.00 Est. Completion Date: Dec. 30, 2022 Site Directions: 910 Amvets Drive; 906 Amvets Drive; 135 9th Street NW; 816 2nd Avenue NW; 817 3rd Avenue NW; 805 3rd Avenue NW; 212 8th Street NW; 723 3rd Avenue NW; 719 3rd Avenue NW; 713 3rd Avenue NW; parcel 0624227001; parcel 0624227002, Fort Dodge, Iowa


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

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October 18, 2022

October 31, 2022


Multiple Locations, Fort Dodge, IA

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