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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Valdez, Alaska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

2023 Emergency Alarm Monitoring. This project includes, but is not necessarily limited to: Fire and Security Panel Third Party Monitoring on City Facilities: This will include all monitoring of fire alarm systems for fire, supervisory and trouble alarms with all fire and supervisory alarms to be immediately reported to Police and Fire Dispatch. All burglar/security alarms to be reported to Police and Fire Dispatch. All trouble alarms to be reported to Building Maintenance via on-call phone or supervisor. Current monitoring is done by traditional phone lines, cell phone dialer, and by IP dialer. A list of the different buildings and type of dialers is attached. The City may remove buildings from the system as required, but will provide 60 day notice. This is a one-year contract with the option for a yearly renewal for up to two additional years at the City's discretion. All bidders should visit the site and view existing conditions before submitting quotes. The following items must be included within your quote: Copy of current Alaska Contractor License. Copy of current Alaska Business License. Copy of current City of Valdez Business License. Proof of Insurance. Requirements of the Alaska Employment Preference (AS 36.10) must be met. The City of Valdez encourages disadvantaged, minority and women-owned firms to respond and is available to assist said firms in learning how to do business with the City Any question regarding this project should be directed to Stanley Porritt, Building Maintenance Manager, at this email Stanley Porritt . The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities or informalities in a quote, to reject any and all quotes without cause, and to re-solicit for quotes. The current minimum prevailing wage rates as published by the Alaska Department of Labor must be paid if required by law. The requirement of the Alaska Employment Preference Act (AS 36.10) must be met in performing the work of this Quote. Certified payrolls must be submitted to the Alaska Department of Labor.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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