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Published September 26, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Woods Crossing, Idaho. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Madison County is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to provide professional services required for the Teton River Splitter-gate Maintenance Project. The project sponsor for this project is Madison County, in coordination with the Freemont Madison Irrigation District (FMID). FMID owns and controls the existing splitter gate structures. Madison County, is sponsoring this project given that the existing structures are working adequately for irrigation control but not for potential flood control of interest to Madison County. The Cities of Rexburg ID, and Sugar City, ID are major stakeholders in the project along with Madison County. In recent years, Madison County has been working closely with FEMA in their Rick MAP Program efforts to remap the floodplain for the Teton River. Preliminary flood plain maps are expected within the next year. In order to identify, and possibly complete, flood mitigation prior to the final map release, Madison County has recently completed a comprehensive flood mitigation project that identified and prioritized future mitigation projects. One of these high-priority opportunities included enhanced management of flood water in/around the existing Teton River "splitter" (near Teton, ID) where the north and south forks of the Teton River begin. Currently the automated gates at this location operate effectively for irrigation water control but are not operational at flood stages where control may significantly reduce flood risks for residents of Freemont and Madison County, Sugar City, and Rexburg. This flood management project consists of the temporary installation of two cofferdams in the Teton River and the subsequent inspection and maintenance of two (i.e., north fork & south fork) flow control gates immediately downstream of the cofferdams. At present these gates are not operable above a flow of approximately 1,500 cfs (i.e., well below flood stage). The intent of this activity is to be able to use the rehabilitated flood gates to control Teton River discharges at flood stages to generally match channel capacity on the two forks of the Teton River to eliminate or reduce flooding in nearby Sugar City and Rexburg. At present, such control is not possible. The Activity will also include limited funding for development of a "gate inspection/maintenance plan," cofferdam design, permitting and site survey. Benefits would be realized for flows ranging from the National Weather Service (NWS) "Action Stage" of 5.5 ft (i.e., approximately 3,930 cfs) up to and exceeding the anticipate 100-year flood event (i.e., 7,980 cfs StreamStats). This project is located near the boundary between Freemont and Madison Counties, approximately 0.90 miles north-northeast of Teton, ID. This project would be completed on the main channel of the Teton River (see map attached). The project site is approximately 0.77 miles north of Idaho Highway 33 where the nearest residence is also located. The area around the site consists of agricultural land. The nearest vehicle bridge over the Teton River is located approximately 0.44 miles west of the project site. The proposed project will consist of performing a limited site survey to establish vertical control points for the project site to assist cofferdam construction. Pre-construction activities will include the development of a formal Splitter-Gage Inspection and Maintenance Plan, and a Cofferdam Design. Prior to any site work commencing, proper permitting shall be completed. Such permitting is anticipated to be approval of an Idaho Joint Application permit. Following approval of permits, cofferdam installation shall commence on the north fork approach of the Teton River. Once this section of the cofferdam is completed the north Splitter-gate will be inspected and raised above the river-bed bottom. Any material in the gate channel beneath the riverbed will be cleaned out and any obvious maintenance needs will be addressed. Once the north fork gate is completed, the existing in-channel material will be moved to the south fork approach. Additional cofferdam material will be added as needed. Once the south fork approach cofferdam is completed, cleanout and maintenance will be completed on the south fork splitter gate. A registered PE is anticipated to be on-site, as needed, during the period of field work. Once all clean-out and maintenance is completed, cofferdam materials will be removed to restore the channel, as practicable, to its original condition. Engineering support will then memorialize project activities in a short report, along with any recommendations for further gate enhancements. This is to ensure gate operations at flood stages narrative description of the proposed project, including the name of the waterway, operations of the water system, location of the project, and the anticipated goals and benefits associated with the project. Preferred Project Timeline: Mid-October 2022, or as soon as an agreement is signed between the chosen contractor and Madison County, to Spring of 2023. Respondents will be evaluated according to the following criteria: o Capability to Perform Project o Qualifications of Project Team o Relevant Project Experience o Project Approach and Schedule o Local Familiarity and Presence The County will select a firm based on the information provided in the proposal, as described above. However, the County may select one or more firms to make brief presentations covering the information listed above prior to finalizing proposal scoring and making a final selection. Award will be made to the most qualified firm whom is deemed most advantageous to Madison County Idaho, all evaluation criteria considered. Please state "Madison County Request for Professional Services Proposal" on the outside of the response package. Firm must provide three (3) paper copies of the Proposal and a searchable electronic copy in pdf format on a USB flash drive. Emailed proposals will not be accepted. Madison County reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. For any questions or comments, contact Bradley Petersen at (208) 359-6362 or bpetersen@ co.madison.id.us . The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 7, 2023


Multiple Locations, Woods Crossing, ID

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