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Published October 13, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a residential development in Hinckley, Minnesota. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development.

Work Scope Description: Contractor shall supply lump sum cost to provide materials and labor for installation of a chain link fence as follows in the base bid. Contractor shall supply and install a chain link fence around the perimeter of the yard per the provided layout. Approximate fence perimeter totals 340 lineal ft. Contractor shall include 360 lineal 6' ft of fence in their base bid and a 6' wide gate. Unit cost per ft to install shall be provided in Bid Alternate #1 and will be used to calculate add or deduct based on actual install. See following product specifications. Fence shall start at the front right corner of the house and run straight across to a 6' setback from the walking path; then run parallel to the path maintaining the 6' setback; turn to follow the maintained side and rear yard areas; then turn and run straight to the front left corner of the garage. Install a 6' wide gate on the front facing section of fence to the left side of the garage. Fence shall not be placed any closer to the street than the front wall of the garage. (Fence will follow perimeter of existing yard. Thus no large trees are planned for removal. A rough layout of the proposed fence has been provided for reference.) Contractor shall remove all trees, brush, overhanging branches and shrubs necessary to install the fence. Contractor shall include the cost of any digging or other land alterations required to install fence. At no point shall the fence be closer than 6' to the edge of the walking path. No required pre-bid site visit. General Notes: It is the Contractors responsibility to identify any and all discrepancies in the scope of work, not meeting Industry Standards or that which is inconsistent with the International Residential Code (IRC), and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe 2016 MLB Project Specification Book. All electrical wiring, apparatus and equipment for electric light, heat and power, technology circuits or systems shall comply with the rules of the Department of Commerce or the Department of Labor and Industry, as applicable, and be installed in conformity with accepted standards of construction for safety to life and property. Contractor must reconnect all utilities, service panel or service feed. Also includes gas, propane. Include such equipment or materials identified in the pre-bid conference. Contractor will secure all permits and fees. Contractor is responsible for a thorough investigation of the scope of work. Contractor will repair any damage to the property or structure created by the scope of work. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED PERMITS HAVE BEEN ISSUED AND COPIES IN THE POSSESSION OF THE PROJECT COORDINATOR AND /OR MILLE LACS BAND BUILDING OFFICIAL. A. The pipe shall be round steel pipe with galvanized, Allied Tube SS30, in the following diameters: Posts a. Fence height: 6'. b. Corner Posts: 3" O.D. c. Top, Intermediate and Bottom Rails: 1 5/8" O.D. Intermediate or Diagonal Bracing: 1 5/8" O.D. Gate Posts: refer to Manufacturers recommendations. Gate Frames: refer to Manufacturers recommendations. B. The above pipe diameters are the minimum allowable. The actual pipe diameters and weights of the fence posts and rails shall be determined by the installer based on local building codes, fence heights, wind speed design requirements and coverage of the fence fabric with windscreens, plywood or other wind blocking materials. SECTION 02830 - FENCES & GATES Page 2 2.02 FENCE FABRIC A. For Standard Fences: Zinc-coated (ASTM 392) steel wire fabric, 9 gauge, 2-inch square with a minimum coating of 1.2 oz per sq. ft. of surface area. The top and bottom selvages shall be knuckled, unless otherwise specified. B. Fasteners. Interested bidders shall contact either Carla Dunkley at 320-630-2495 or by email at carla.dunkley@millelacsband.com to be included on the bidder's list in the event that any addendums are issued for this project.


Residential Subdivision


Public - Federal

Site Work

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October 12, 2022

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2210 Oshki Odena St, Hinckley, MN

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