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Published October 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Topeka, Kansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Shawnee County Parks and Recreation (SCP+R) is soliciting bids for mowing and maintenance of sports locations per the following minimum specifications. Shawnee County Parks and Recreation (SCP+R) is requesting bids on the maintenance of specified sports complex turf in the SCP+R park system. Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, supervision and transportation required to maintain the grass/turf areas in an attractive condition. This includes all turf areas within the specified park property lines as well as litter in specified mowing areas. The maintenance work described in these specifications shall be performed as a continuous and constant program throughout the contract. Work performance shall meet the satisfaction of the County or be remedied after receipt of written notice from SCP+R. 1. In communications, always refer to the above quotation number. 2. All prices and conditions must be shown. Additions or conditions not shown on this bid will not be allowed. 3. Shawnee County reserve the right to accept or reject any part of, or all of, any bid or proposal. 4. All prices quoted are to be less Federal Excise Tax and Kansas Sales Tax. 5. Price quoted shall remain firm for ninety (90) days after bid closing date. Bidders are required to review the listing of parcels identified in Exhibit A and the available maps. It is recommended that contractors visit/evaluate the sites to verify the acreage, if necessary, prior to submitting a proposal. Failure to adequately inspect the premises and provided maps shall not relieve the vendor from furnishing requested goods and services without additional cost to the County. Submission of a quote shall be construed as evidence that the vendor has made necessary examination, inspection and investigation and is able to meet or exceed the conditions and standards contained within this RFQ. The person designated by SCP+R to supervise the mowing, landscape maintenance, paved surfaces and refuse collections portions of the contract will be Kevin Stoner at kevin.stoner@snco.us or 785-806-5034. All questions regarding this bid request should be asked through the bid portal.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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