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Published October 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Springfield, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Illinois State Police (ISP), Division of the Academy & Training, is requesting quotes for a professional painting service. The Illinois State Police (ISP), Division of the Academy & Training, is requesting quotes for a professional painting service to paint the interior walls, mezzanine stairs & railing, lower mezzanine ceiling, wood facing of the stage, duct work on both ends of the main ceiling and internal & external doors of the Academy Gymnasium. This service request must be completed by the vendor within sixty (60) days of the date of contract execution. The service location is: the ISP Academy, 3700 East Lake Shore Drive, Springfield, Illinois. All work must be completed during regular business hours, unless approved by the Academy Commander. No weekend or holiday access will be granted. The vendor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and any other required materials related to providing the services requested. Vendors per hour labor rate shall include the prevailing basic wage rate; fringe benefits (Health and Welfare, pension and others) also shall include all employer expenses for FICA, Workmen Compensation, Liability Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, and any other city, State or federal requirements regarding employees. Per hour labor rate shall also include all cost and expenses for trucks and-or vehicles, tools and equipment associated with trade, travel, pickup and delivery of materials, estimating, call-backs, supervision, administrative overhead and profit. ***No subcontractors allowed*** Failure to attend or arriving late will disqualify the vendor from submitting a bid. Any questions about the sight visit can be address by contacting Alicia Neposchlan at (217) 786-6758 or Alicia.R.Neposchlan@Illinois.Gov. Preparation work on glazed block (bottom 8ft of gymnasium walls), sanding of mezzanine stairs and railings, and all other prep work associated with the parameters of this project. Painting services (ensuring complete and even coverage), on the gymnasium walls. Approximate sizes are as follows: 125ft x 60ft x 23ft with a wall surface area of approximately 8,510 square feet. Painting of the mezzanine stairs with an anti-skid textured paint to prevent slipping Painting of the mezzanine railings with a durable paint to withstand a high-volume of use. Is this a Small Business Set Aside Procurement: No Is there a BEP/VBP Participation Goal : No


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - State/Provincial


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 20, 2022

November 21, 2022


3700 E Lake Shore Dr, Springfield, IL

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Division of the Academy and Training Gymnasium Painting

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