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Published October 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The University is seeking a qualified Contractor to provide all labor and materials to demolish the buildings interiors down to the existing structure and then renovate to new business and storage uses as well as refurbish the exteriors with various improvements per the specifications. Estimated Budget: $100,000 to $500,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Deadline for Questions: 10/12/2022 - 3:00 PM Bonds are not Required for this Solicitation. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Court Plaza is the site of the former Temple Hill Retail Center. The site contains (3) existing single story structures separated by surface parking. (2) structures shall be renovated (Buildings A and B) and (1) structure demolished in a future phase (NIC). The proposed renovation is approximately 15,000 GSF total (Buildings A & B). B. Buildings A and B are vacant and were formerly occupied by various Business/Assembly tenants. The building interiors are to be demolished down to the existing structure and then renovated to new Business/Storage uses. The building exteriors shall be refurbished with various improvements. The overall construction types are similar; unprotected, noncombustible with exterior masonry bearing walls, concrete slabs on grade, and metal bar-joist roof framing. The building interiors include suspended acoustical panel ceilings, framed drywall partitions, doors, and carpet floor finish. Site work is limited to minor areas of new concrete paving at new overhead doors. C. The refurbishment of the building exteriors shall include replacement, restoration and reconfiguration work. Examples include replacing exterior doors and frames, new exterior infill walls, new overhead doors, power washing, patching and painting. Both roofs were recently replaced in the Summer 2022. Architectural interior renovations include new acoustical panel ceilings, new doors, frames and hardware, new partitions, new finishes, new residential casework and appliances, new window treatment, new washroom accessories and new fire extinguishers. D. All existing MEP systems shall be demolished and replaced with new MEP systems. Site utilities serving the building shall remain as they exist. Mechanical renovations include new ductwork, equipment, piping systems, refrigerant piping, HVAC water and condensate piping, insulation, identification, controls, fire stopping, and fire dampers, testing and balancing. Plumbing renovations include new plumbing fixtures, water heater equipment, piping systems, domestic water systems, testing and balancing, sanitary drainage systems and insulation. Electrical renovations include new lighting, fire alarm and smoke detection, controls, main service and branch panels, pathways and boxes for Owner provided security E. The work shall be performed during the fall/winter of 2022. The buildings will be vacant at all times. The majority of the surrounding surface parking shall be available at all times with the exception of spaces to be reserved for student overflow parking




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October 26, 2022

November 25, 2022


1101 Camden Ave, Salisbury, MD

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