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Published November 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Holly Ridge, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Onslow Water and Sewer Authority requests proposals to provide all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to remove accumulated solids, dewater and replace the existing membrane liner within a single 1.0-acre effluent settling lagoon at the Dixon Water Treatment Plant (WTP), 6661 Wilmington Highway, Holly Ridge, NC 28445. Contractors submitting a proposal are hereby notified that NC General Statutes relating to licensing of contractors will be observed in receiving proposals and awarding Contracts. Performance and Payment Bonds are required for this project. ONWASA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive informalities, and accept any proposal that, in the opinion of ONWASA, appears to be in its best interest. The right is reserved to hold any or all proposals for ninety (90) days from the opening thereof. project shall be completed within ninety (90) consecutive calendar days. 1. Bypass Pump Installation and Operation a. Before the start of work in the designated lagoon, the Contractor shall furnish and install a by-pass pump with sufficient capacity to maintain plant discharge flow (minimum 450 GPM) from the furthest point of treatment in the secondary lagoon to the existing 6" effluent discharge line. The location of this connection will be shown during the mandatory onsite pre-bid meeting. The Contractor will be responsible for continuous operation and maintenance of the bypass pump, including fuel until all work in the lagoon is completed and accepted by ONWASA. 2. Lagoon Dredging and Dewatering a. The Contractor shall provide all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to dredge, dewater, transport, and properly dispose of non-biological accumulated solids and algae contained in the designated settling lagoon at the Dixon WTP. b. The work shall be performed following all local, state, and federal requirements. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and shall monitor and perform required regulatory agency reporting associated with the disposal of the dredged material. 3. Solids Characteristics a. For general information, ONWASA has performed Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) testing on solids samples from the lagoon 4. Estimated Solids Quantities a. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the total volume of solids and water to be removed from the lagoon that are necessary to meet project completion requirements. By submitting a Proposal, the Contractor certifies to ONWASA that they understand the scope of work and level of effort required to complete the project. 5. Lagoon Liner Replacement a. Upon completion of sludge removal and dewatering, the Contractor shall remove the existing liner material in its entirety and dispose of all materials off-site in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local requirements. The method used for removal shall protect all subgrade materials and any intake/discharge piping or other liner penetrations from damage. Any such damage shall be corrected by the Contractor before placement of the new liner material, including the placement and compaction of additional subgrade materials (as specified by the material manufacturer) if necessary to address erosion or areas excavated during the removal process. c. The lagoon is lined; all material shall be removed down to the liner surface and the lagoon dewatered to the maximum extent possible before liner replacement. Work shall be performed in such a manner as to protect the integrity of the existing liner material and prevent the uncontrolled release of the lagoon's contents onto the unprotected ground surface. The designated lagoon will be taken out of service but not drained by ONWASA immediately before the start of work.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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6661 Wilmington Hwy, Holly Ridge, NC

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