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Published December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Lexington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 172,378-square-foot, four-story above grade educational facility.

All questions during the bidding period shall be submitted to Jason Dunn, EOP Architects, via email (jdunn@eopa.com). All questions shall be submitted no later than ten (10) days prior to the established bid date. Project Number - POAGE 20149, 2022019 The work includes the renovation of the existing four-story building to accommodate the current programs, plus future Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, from both the Southside Technical Center and Eastside Technical Center operated by FCPS. All existing Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems will be removed from the building in their entirety and replaced with new MEP systems to facilitate the buildings new use. The existing building footage is approximately 162,000 gross square feet and will be enlarged to approximately 172,000 gross square feet to accommodate the buildings new use. The additional square footage will be added on the interior of the building, with two areas of additions projecting out through the facade along Midland Avenue at Levels 2 and 3, to help give the building a new identity. The building will be E occupancy, Type IIA construction. The successful bidder is responsible for all additional sets they may require. Note many of the contract document drawing PDF files contain color. The project includes acceptance of all existing site conditions (which are to be inspected by all bidders prior to bidding) and all other general construction, mechanical and electrical work specified in the Contract Documents dated October 28, 2022. Liquidated damages will be assessed per the specifications. Direct Purchase of materials through Owner will be provided as a Contractors option. Refer to Supplemental Instructions to Bidders and construction documents for additional information. The Instructions to Bidders, Form of Proposal, Form of Contract, Plans and Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond and other contract documents may be examined through a free download from Lynn Imaging. Documents may be obtained from Lynn Imaging, 328 Old Vine Street, Lexington, KY or at their website: www.lynnimaging.com. An electronic copy of a complete set of plans and specifications is available at no charge to contractors. Hard copy printed sets are available at cost to contractor. No partial sets will be issued. If documents are to be mailed, an additional non-refundable charge per set may be required. The successful bidder is responsible for all additional sets they may require. Note - many of the contract document drawing PDF files contain color. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the Owner in an amount of not less than 5% of the bid. The award of the contract shall be made on the basis of the lowest and best bid in the interest of Fayette County Board of Education. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the bid opening. The Fayette County Board of Education provides equal opportunities to all of its bidders with respect to the bidding and award of construction contracts. Fayette County Public Schools requires that the bidder submit with the bid the following information: 1. Bid Bond -- property signed, witnessed and executed. 2. FCPS Supplier Diversity Program Contract Forms -- properly completed, signed and dated. 3. Proposal Form -- properly signed, with completed unit prices and listing of all subcontractors at time of submittal. A listing of manufacturers shall be submitted within 1 hour following the bid. Bid Submission: Contractors are to place their Bid Bond, their FCPS Supplier Diversity Program Contract Forms, and their Form of Proposal in a single envelope labeled with the project name and submitting company, NON-CONFORMANCE TO THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. The successful bidder shall provide a 100% Performance and Payment Bond. Major subcontractors shall also provide a Performance and Payment Bond for their portion of the scope of work. Preference for resident bidders shall be given as outlined in KRS 45A.90 to 45A.94. All questions during the bidding period shall be submitted to Jason Dunn, EOP Architects, via email (jdunn@eopa.com). All questions shall be submitted no later than ten (10) days prior to the established bid date. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and shall have the right to reject any and all bids.




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100 Midland Ave, Lexington, KY

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