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Published March 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

It is the intent of the PWSA to establish a contract to perform/provide a new electrical service feed and installation of an EV charging station provided to the contractor by PWSA at the main water treatment plant. Services/material in this scope are for a 'turn key installation' including but not limited to new main breakers, electrical conduit and feeder cables, disconnect switch/EPO underground duct bank to new charging station, foundation for charging station, installation of charging station, completing manufacturers training for installation of charging station, startup of charging station, charging station signage, curb painting, and site restoration of the area surrounding the new charging station. The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, equipment, tools, and appurtenances necessary to complete the scope of work. Questions Due Date: Oct 20th 2022, 4:00 PM EDT Bid bond -NA SCOPE OF WORK It is the intent of the PWSA to establish a contract to perform/provide a new electrical service feed and installation of an EV charging station provided to the contractor by PWSA at the main water treatment plant. Services/material in this scope are for a 'turn key installation' including but not limited to new main breakers, electrical conduit and feeder cables, disconnect switch/EPO underground duct bank to new charging station, foundation for charging station, installation of charging station, completing manufacturers training for installation of charging station, startup of charging station, charging station signage, curb painting, and site restoration of the area surrounding the new charging station. The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, equipment, tools, and appurtenances necessary to complete the scope of work. See construction drawings and specifications attachments included for additional details. Scheduling Meeting/Visitors o Visitors: At least 48 hours prior to a visitor arriving, the PWSA employee (sponsor) should notify the following staff via email or phone. The email should provide the name of the visitor(s) and the purpose of the meeting (i.e., interview, contractor walkthrough, regulatory meeting): Tasha Crafton Aimee Butch Administrative Assistant Office Manager tcrafton@pgh2o.com abutch@pgh2o.com (412) 782-7552 x 5659 (412) 782-7552 x 5550


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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900 Freeport Rd, Pittsburgh, PA

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PWSA Main Water Treatment Plant EV Fast Charging Station

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