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Published October 12, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fort Worth, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
DESCRIPTION Proposals are being accepted by the City of Fort Worth (City) for the furnishing of all labour, materials and equipment necessary for the removal, packaging, transportation, and disposal of asbestos containing materials and meld contaminated materials from City-owned facilities on an as-needed basis in support of operations and maintenance activities. Refer to section 2.4 (Scope of Work for a more detailed description). There will be no minimum work guaranteed under this agreement and a maximum not-to-exceed amount of $150,000 will be in place. Each provider including subcontractors shall NOT be listed on the Excluded Parties List System Before proceeding on each project, the provider including subcontractors will have to certify they are NOT on the EPLS. The project name is ENV 22-12: ACM O&M After evaluating the Proposals submitted, the City will select the Offer or that provides the Best Value to the City and enter into negotiations with that Offer or. The City may discuss with the selected Offer or options for a scope or time modification and any price change associated with such modification. The offers will be valid for ninety (90) calendar days. The Proposal Documents submitted in accordance with this Request for Proposal shall remain valid for ninety (90) days after the due date. All Providers must comply with: Chapter 17, "Human Relations," Article III, "Discrimination," Division 3, "Employment Practices," of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. Fort Worth ordinance, 25-165-10-2021 Business Equity Ordinance. Chapter 2258 of the Texas Government Code, with respect to the payment of prevailing wage rates for public works contracts; The most recent revisions of applicable federal, state, and local laws, and the regulations established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), the City of Fort Worth and any other entity that may have jurisdiction over work being performed. The meeting is not mandatory, but is recommended. *All interested parties must email Mr. Grantham with their intent and interest in order to receive the Teams Meeting invitation. INTERPRETATION OF RFP DOCUMENTS All requests for an interpretation of the RFP must be made in writing and received by the Code Compliance Environmental Quality Division, by fax or email (preferred), up until seven days prior to bid opening. The person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. No oral requests for interpretation will be answered. Requests for interpretation of asbestos abatement and removal activities must be submitted to: Mr. Roger Grantham, Environmental Management Analyst Code Compliance Environmental Quality Division The City also will post addenda on its Purchasing website The City will not be responsible for any other explanations or interpretations. CONFLICTS Should there be conflicts between the bid documents and the final executed contract document, the final contract shall take precedence. HOW TO SUBMIT A BID Each Contractor must submit one (1) electronic copy (PDF format on "flash" or "thumb-drive only") of their bid to the City. All items to complete the submittal must be included within the bid or the entire bid may be considered non-responsive and rejected. In case of ambiguity or lack of clarity, the City reserves the right to adopt the construction most advantageous to the City or to reject the bid. The project number must be clearly marked on the envelope and the statement "BID DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED, DELIVER TO PURCHASING DIVISION ONLY BEFORE 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 27, 2022" placed in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope in which the documents are delivered. If the documents are placed in an envelope that is contained inside another envelope, the statement shall be placed on the outermost envelope. Bids may be withdrawn at any time prior to the official opening. NO FAXED OR PAPER BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED The ideal contractor should have extensive experience in non-hazardous and hazardous waste disposal services and succinctly convey this expertise in its proposal. Contractors are encouraged to keep their proposal brief and relevant to the specific work required. The proposal format is up to the proposer, but proposals must include the following items: Work Proposal Required Content and Information Cover Letter Each proposal shall include a cover letter that includes the following: Any qualifying statements or comments regarding the contractor's proposal; The name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the contractor's contact person for the remainder of the selection process; Statement indicating the validity of the proposal for a minimum period of 90 calendar days subsequent to the proposal due date; The original signature of an individual with the authority to contractually bind the proposer and who may be contacted during the proposal evaluation period; and Acknowledgement of receipt of addendums, if any. Statement of Qualifications Each proposal shall include a statement of the contractor's qualifications that includes: A brief description of the contractor's company, including the year the company was established, the type of organization (partnership, corporation, etc.), and a listing of the proposed project personnel, including personnel experiences and resumes for ongoing response personnel. Emphasis should be given to highlighting work completed for comparable municipalities; A description of the contractor's experience with similar work, including names, current telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of references for at least three existing and/or past hazardous materials management clientele; and Copies of all appropriate certification forms and relevant licenses. Project Understanding and Approach Each proposal shall include a statement detailing the contractor's understanding of, and planned approach to, the services contemplated in the Scope of Services section of this document. This statement shall include the following: A description of contractor's understanding of the Scope of Services and how contractor will approach work; A proposed staffing plan/organizational chart indicating anticipated work hours per quarter by classification both on and off-site. This chart should convey how contractor will provide asbestos abatement and mold removal activities in the most efficient, cost effective manner; A description of contractor's hiring/screening procedures for the selection of qualified personnel. The contractor should describe the training and certifications required and its recurring safety assurance program; A description of how project operations will be monitored and at what frequency; Any other information that will assist the City in selecting the most qualified contractor. SECURITY Proposals must be accompanied by a proposer's bid bond in the amount of $5,000. Alternatively, the City will accept a cashier's check, in said amount, with the City named as payee, to be held in escrow until the successful Contractor signs the project Contract. This bond will serve as a guarantee that the successful Contractor will enter into an agreement with the City to perform the project. The City will only accept sureties duly qualified and authorized by the State of Texas as corporate sureties to act as bonding entities.
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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