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Renovation of a residential development in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

For 76 City and 12 County Housing Fire Alarm Replacement projects located throughout the Fond du Lac area. There will no pre-bid walk through for these projects. This work is to include replacing and adding smoke/carbon monoxide detectors in the existing City and County Housing Units. Drawings and specifications will be avail-able from Blueprint Solutions LTD on Friday, September 30, 2022. These projects are subject to Davis Ba-con Wage Rates and HUD Section 3. Instructions to bidders, bid form, general conditions of the contract, specifications, and contract drawings are included as part of the specification manual. No bid may be withdrawn after the hour set for the opening of bids nor prior to the award of the contract. Bid and Perform-ance Bonds will be required. The Fond du Lac Housing Authority re-serves the right to reject any or all bids, in whole or in part or combination there-of, to waive any informality in bidding, or to accept any bid deemed to be most ad-vantageous to the Board or redo the bid-ding process when deemed necessary. Bids shall remain valid for sixty (60) days after the bid opening. Published by the authority of the Fond du Lac Housing Authority, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. For questions or concerns contact MSA Professional Service Inc. at (920) 894-7800.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City






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Multiple Locations, Fond du Lac, WI

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