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Published December 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Reno, Nevada. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of November 10, 2022, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Notice is hereby given that the Housing Authority of the City of Reno (RHA) will accept sealed proposals for CF21 Concrete and Pavement Replacement at Stead Manor in Reno, Nevada. Base Bid: 1. Remove approximately 160 lineal feet of 6' wide concrete sidewalk with integral curb in locations shown on sheet S-1 of the plans and legally dispose of off-site. 2. Remove approximately 130 lineal feet of 4' wide concrete sidewalk with integral curb in locations shown on sheet S-1 of the plans and legally dispose of off-site. 3. Provide and install approximately 160 lineal feet of new 6' wide sidewalk with integral curb as shown on (Detail-1) sheet D-1 of the plans. 4. Provide and install approximately 130 lineal feet of new 4' wide sidewalk with integral curb as shown on (Detail-1) sheet D-1 of the plans. 5. Provide and install approximately 345 lineal feet of parking lot island curbing as shown on sheet D-1 of the plans. 6. Provide and install approximately 1,200 lineal feet of 1" schedule 40 PVC sleeving as shown on sheet S-1 of the plans. 7. Saw-cut as necessary and remove approximately 48,000 square feet of parking lot and driveway asphalt paving, base, and sub- grade material (minimum depth 10") and legally dispose of off-site. All concrete curbs and valley gutters will remain in place (see sheet S-1). 8. Grade existing sub-grade, to provide a 10" section of type II aggregate base and 4" of asphalt. Finish pavement grade will match existing adjacent areas and drainage structures. Compact to 95% relative density. 9. Provide and install approximately 48,000 square feet of 6" type two aggregate base and compact to 95% relative density. 10. Provide and install approximately 48,000 square feet of 4" type 3 AC 20 asphalt pavement with RAP not to exceed 15%. Compact to 95% relative density. 11. Any areas with ponding, holding 1/8" or more of water will not be accepted. 12. Saw-cut as necessary and remove approximately 2,300 square feet of 2 1/2 " AC pavement in the fire access lane as shown on sheet S-1 of the drawings. All driveways, sidewalks and curbs will remain in place. 13. Grade existing sub-grade to match all adjacent areas, provide positive drainage and provide a minimum section of 6" type II aggregate base and 2 1/2 " of asphalt pavement. 14. All pavement sections will be fog sealed in conformance with the requirements as specified in Paragraph 201.02 Section 201 of the Orange Book Specifications and in the project plans and specifications. 15. Re-stripe parking areas including all handicap logos and pedestrian walking stripping to match existing as indicated in the plans and specifications. 16. Adjust all utilities to pavement grade in new pavement areas including new concrete collars around all manholes, valve rings, and covers. . Landscaping 1. All work will be completed as directed on the landscape drawings prepared by L.A. Studios Nevada, and the City of Reno ordinances regarding parking lot landscaping. 2. Contractor will coordinate with RHA personnel for the location of the new 2" PVC sleeving. 3. Contractor will tie-in to the existing irrigation drip line and extend to new planter locations. 4. Contractor will install 1/4 " tubing and emitters as shown on detail sheet L3 of the plans and specifications.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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14180 Mt Charleston St, Reno, NV

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